Chapter 10 - OOTP

Start from the beginning

"Easy for you to say, stuck here with Kat, I don't see either of you risking your necks!" Fred yelled, only realising what he said after he saw Katherines burning gaze.

"THAT IS ENOUGH! You ever talk to my Uncle Siri that way again Fred Weasley you will regret it! You may be my best friend, but he is my family" Katherine spat before taking a breath, "honestly- actually you know what, I'm not even going to bother, I'll be in the kitchen" Katherine said before walking away, Athena was raging at the way George had spoken to us, Winter wanted to snarl at the pair and Elise was trying to keep Katherine in a clear mind set. Katherine was busying herself in the kitchen looking for a glass, she needed fire whiskey. She had never been one to drink but after tonight it was needed. As she picked up the glass of whiskey, she placed it on her lips and threw her head back, allowing the burning liquid to travel down her throat.

"Kat?" George's voice came from the doorway, she glanced over and saw him and Fred.

"What?" Katherine asked sharply. She was in no mood at the moment.

"We're sorry for what we said. We didn't mean it, we we're just angry that's all" Fred said quietly causing Katherine to scoff.

"It's not an excuse to take your anger out on me boys. Athena is furious, especially at you George. I think you both need to give me space to calm down, especially after the way you spoke to Uncle Siri, a man who has done nothing but help me through my sad days when you aren't here George, remember that the next time you want to jump down his throat" Katherine snapped before turning back to make herself a coffee. The twins shuffled back to the dining table.

"What did she say?" Sirius asked, by the looks on the twins faces it did not go well.

"Basically told us to sod off and leave her alone for a bit" George muttered looking down at the butterbeer that Sirius had summoned from the pantry for them.

"It's probably best, she wont stay mad at you two for long, you just struck a nerve that's all. Me, Katherine and Moony have spent nearly every day together for the past six months, we are family for each other, you know how protective she is" Sirius said with a sad smile, he knew Katherine was going to be angry for some time, he saw what happened over the summer between her and Harry and now he's not important to Katherine because of it. Suddenly a flash of light in the middle of them had Sirius catching a letter out of the air. "Fawkes! That's not Dumbledores writing, it must be a message from your mother" Sirius said passing the note to George who opened it and read it aloud.

"Dad is still alive. I am setting out for St Mungo's now. Stay where you are. I will send news as soon as I can. Mum" George read, when he had finished he looked around the table.

"Still alive, but that makes it sound like..." George trailed off, he didn't need to finish that sentence.

"He is still alive though and that is what matters, try and get some rest, if your mother does indeed send another message me or Sirius will wake you straight away" Katherine said leaning against the doorframe.

"Kat, we really are sorry" George said quietly looking up at her, Katherine sighed and moved towards him.

"I know you are Georgie, come on everyone try and get some sleep" Katherine said again.


At ten past five in the morning Molly came bustling into the house, when Fred, George and Ron saw her they started raising out of their chairs and Molly gave them a warm smile.

"He's going to be alright; he's sleeping. We can all go and see him later. Bills sitting with him now, he's going to take the morning off work" Molly said tiredly. Fred fell back into his chair with his hands over his face, George and Ginny both swiftly hugged their mother and Ron gave a very shaky laugh. Katherine watched with a fond smile before gently patting Fred's back. She got up and moved into the kitchen to start breakfast, she didn't want to impose on the families moment. Katherine busied herself making breakfast, drowning out all other conversation, her head was pounding, and she felt extremely lightheaded. "Athena?" she asked in her mind, you are just tired child, you need to sleep, Athena replied quickly, Katherine stumbled but Sirius caught her before she fell over.

"Little one, go and get some rest" Sirius said to her quietly.

"I need to cook breakfast Uncle Siri" Katherine replied before stumbling again.

"Yeah I don't think so, come on" Sirius said as he scooped her up, "I'll make breakfast when I come back down everyone" Sirius said as he stalked off towards the stairs.

"Katherine! Sirius what's happened?" George asked frantically.

"She's exhausted George, she hasn't slept properly in months and now its caught up to her, I'm going to go and put her in bed" Sirius said a little more sharply than he intended but Katherine was the most important thing now and if he let her continue cooking and she collapsed Lupin would have his head. Walking up the stairs he gently kicked her door open, pulled back the covers and lay her down. Looking down at her, his heart melted, she was already asleep. Pulling the covers over her he quietly walked out of the room and gently closed the door.

"Is Kat alright Sirius?" Molly asked the man as he came back into the kitchen.

"She will be Molly; she's just exhausted that's all" Sirius said quietly before helping Molly with the food. After everyone had ate they all retreated to their rooms, George going straight to Katherines room. He quietly climbed into bed behind her and almost instinctively she turned over and curled into him. Wrapping his arms around her gently he lightly kissed the top of her head before falling asleep himself.

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