*48* Party time!

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After the race, Pierre and Khaotung invited all the insiders to a small, private party in a nearby bar, which they had rented all to themselves.  Khao celebrated not only the coveted podium, but also his engagement with First.

The bar where everyone gathered had a very pleasant atmosphere, full of warmth and joy.  On the stage behind the person who was performing, there was a large neon sign that changed colors and could be magically enchanted to show the nickname or name of the person performing each time.  Currently, it only showed the words "Knights of the Light", with each letter in a different color.

Comfortable sofas, armchairs, chairs and colorful poufs are placed around several tables joined together to make one huge one.  There were several pink and blue balloons with the Alpine logo each floating in the air.  It was a unique and wonderful evening full of magic, good fun, alcohol, music, jokes and dancing.

Pierre came to the bar accompanied by Didi and Annie, two witches from Poland.  They were both wearing identical black leggings and red plaid flannel shirts, but the rest of their outfits were completely different.  With her blue hair, Annie chose only a tiny pendant on a gold chain, at the end of which hung a small heart made of colored opal, and no other jewelry.  Didi, in turn, wore a gold bracelet from the same collection as Annie's necklace, a watch on a black strap with a dial surrounded by tiny artificial diamonds, and gold earrings shaped like the F1 logo.  Both girls clearly stood out mainly due to their hair colors, as Didi had hair that was almost a blatant red.

Pierre walked in the middle, and both Polish women wrapped their arms around his waist.  When Yuki saw this, he grimaced slightly and immediately ran over to push first Annie and then Didi away from Pierre with a significant gesture.  The girls laughed at how possessive their friend's boyfriend was.

“Pierre, it's good that you're here.  How come you're the host of this party and you're the last one to show up?” There was reproach in the voice of the short, but charming and funny Japanese man.

“I'm sorry Yukino, I promise I won't be late for our wedding”. Pierre joked, winking at him and pinching his cheek affectionately.  Yuki patted his hand with his hand.

“What wedding again?  What nonsense are you talking about?”  Yuki asked, pretending to be angry, but it was obvious that these words made him happy.  With a gentle but firm gesture, he pushed Pierre forward, directing them both towards several tables joined together, at which the other guests were already seated: all the Formula 1 drivers who were also members of the Magic World, and Ryoyu Kobayashi, who couldn't help himself.  to miss the first weekend of his second favorite sport after ski jumping, Magnus Bane, who would not miss a good event for anything in the world, Gemini with Fourth, Pond with Phuwin, Cooper, Kaownah and Cooheart, who were sent to the race by P'Zee  as a reward for their learning progress.

Lewis Hamilton personally poured the best alcohol into Gemini and Fourth's glasses, even though Fourth tried to stop him from doing so.

“Let's drink to the health of our young couple, Khaotung and First!”  Lewis shouted at the top of his lungs, raising his glass in the air.  Everyone followed his lead and also raised their glasses.

“For First and Khao!” Pierre joined in the shout.

“For First and Khao!”  Everyone shouted back in unison, everyone clinked a glass with their neighbor and drank a sip of alcohol.

First clapped his hands and music filled the room.  Fourth was surprised to recognize his boyfriend's voice, singing about love.

“It's you?!” He asked excitedly, looking at Gemini with eyes shining with joy.

Hey Stranger// GeminiFourth, FirstKhaotungOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant