*18* You are a hybrid

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"You want to tell me that

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"You want to tell me that... Wait, I don't understand... What the hell are hybrids?"

Fourth, whose wet hair was still dripping water, his chest bare and girded only with a white towel, approached New, demanding an answer.

New felt suddenly ashamed, as if he'd been caught doing something embarrassing. How was he supposed to tell this to someone who was convinced of his ordinariness? And to someone who so shamelessly walks almost naked around his room?

"Maybe... Maybe you should s-sit down," he suggested softly, pointing the boy to a chair in front of a large mirror, decorated with a colorful chain of lights, next to which were entire boxes of makeup and skin care cosmetics.

"Okay, but tell me what you came up with again." The tone in which Fourth said it clearly showed that the boy was impatient. The singer understood that explaining it wouldn't be so easy. Only he had to say it. Regardless of the difficulty level. Fourth hadn't even had time to sit down when New handed him the clothes Win had chosen.

"Get dressed first," New told him, brushing his wet fringe from his forehead for what felt like the last time. When he confesses the truth, they won't be a couple anymore, maybe they won't even be friends anymore. He didn't want that, he didn't want to lose Fourth, no matter how he felt about him, having him in his life was something special, even if he didn't feel the same way, and he only agreed to their relationship because New had insisted.

Fourth followed his instructions almost without hesitation. He was used to the singer telling him what to do, especially when they were at his house. He changed clothes while New stood with his back to him. Chawarin felt strange, as if he had seen something he had no right to see. He didn't turn around until Fourth gave him a sign.

"You're a hybrid."

Fourth frowned. He felt stupid. Was he really crazy enough to believe such nonsense?

"You don't believe me, do you? I see. Let me show you something." New didn't sit down next to him, but instead went over to the closet, pushed aside several coats of different colors that hung on hangers, revealing a keyboard with a small rectangular screen that glowed with a greenish light as soon as it was placed slightly above, the small solar arrays received a dose of brightness. New punched in a code known only to him, and a moment later there was the sound of a heavy metal door sliding open. Soon they saw a passage to a completely different place. Fourth was speechless seeing this. He got up and walked closer, almost certain he was hallucinating. He found it hard to believe that there was a secret passage leading to...


Where could it lead? Was it always here? No, it's impossible. Because... How could it be here always if he has never seen this before? He came here so many times, he must have notice something like this... Right?

"Come with me." New grabbed his hand and pulled him down the passage, which made Fourth realize that the passage had to be real after all, which he realized when he didn't crash into any walls, which he subconsciously expected. NuNew's hand was surprisingly cool, which made Fourth feel like he was squeezing a piece of ice, especially after the hot shower he had just taken.

Hey Stranger// GeminiFourth, FirstKhaotungOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant