*3* Still looking for you my stranger...

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Gemini arrived at school too early as usual

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Gemini arrived at school too early as usual. He entered the still empty classroom, took his place and, taking advantage of his free time, took up drawing, which absorbed him so much that he almost stopped noticing the world around him. He tried to remember his dream, feeling that there was something important in it. He was making strange faces that his friend watched for a while before she decided to let him know she was there.

"When are you going to give it a rest?" Rose looked over his shoulder and spoke so unexpectedly that he jumped. He was too engrossed in another drawing he was creating. He was just wondering if this mysterious stranger had a mole on his right or left nose, after so long since the day they met, he couldn't remember it anymore, and it frustrated him. The outline of the boy's face slowly faded, and he couldn't help it at all.

"Rose... you scared me," he said reproachfully and looked at his sketch. Her sudden appearance made Gem move so violently that he left a line right down the center of his face. "ROSE! Look what you've done!"

"Huh? You've got plenty of his portraits".

"Uhm. So what if I'm starting to forget what he looks like?" There was desperation in his voice. He shrugged, folded the used page in half, and stuck it in the center of the book he had borrowed from the library yesterday. This time it was the biography of one of the most famous and best Formula 1 drivers of all time, Ayrton Senna. Although Gemini couldn't be sure that the other boy was interested in Formula 1, from the athletic figure he remembered, he concluded that he must have practiced some sports, which was also the reason why he himself participated in every handball match football, volleyball or basketball, not to mention golf (his mother was clearly surprised when he told her that he wanted to try his hand at this too), hoping that he would meet his mysterious hero somewhere. So far, each time he had met with such bitter disappointment that he had almost given up the search, but then it was enough for him to see a couple in love anywhere, or read a particularly romantic quote, or even glance at his drawing, to realize that he couldn't give up. No matter how much it hurt himself.

"Don't forget to bring your doodles, it's a library book," Rose admonished him.

"But that's what I mean. I leave his portraits wherever I can, maybe one day he'll talk to me himself." He said and showed her the other side of the sketch, where in the lower corner in Thai and English was written: „If you know the boy in the drawing or you are one yourself, please contact me: Gemini Norawit, IG: @gemini_nt; It's very important.„ "Gem reached for a pencil and added „PS Sorry for the line across the middle of the face, I was drawing when my friend Rose scared me".


"Ummm?" He looked at her with a slightly distracted look.

"It's an obsession, it needs to be healed, you know?" Gemini knew that her friend was only teasing him, but her words hurt anyway.

"It's not an obsession, it's just..." He stuttered, not knowing how to explain it.

"You just love him," the girl stated without thinking and began to tie her long, this time dyed pink, hair in a ponytail.

Hey Stranger// GeminiFourth, FirstKhaotungWhere stories live. Discover now