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As a Formula 1 driver, Khaotung was considered a similar talent to Max Verstappenwho was the best in the last two seasons, but he was't so lucky

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As a Formula 1 driver, Khaotung was considered a similar talent to Max Verstappenwho was the best in the last two seasons, but he was't so lucky.  His accident and injury ruled him out of the title fight, despite being part of a team with a great car.  When he returned to competition almost at the end of the season, he could only minimize losses.  And being a Knight of the Light, instead of helping him, only made it more of a hindrance.  He no longer had time to record his urbex adventures, and his fans complained about the lack of interesting content on his part.  Only the transition to the Alpine team, where he could ride alongside a slightly older Pierre Gasly, who also belonged to a secret society and was, like Khaotung, a Shadowhunter, allowed him to catch his breath.  However, he had to admit honestly that it wouldn't have been possible without the support of his boyfriend, First Kanaphn, who accompanied him everywhere.

The Alpine team decided to use the break between seasons to introduce their new driver to their loyal fans.  Pierre and Khao often performed together, and Khao was very happy to know that Pierre was always ready to help him, because he was one of the few other than Lewis Hamilton, Carlos Sainz and Lando Norris who knew about a mysterious world that the Non-Magicals had no idea about. 

The Alpine management hoped that the driver acquired straight from the leading and legendary Scuderia Ferrari team would bring something new to their work and they were not wrong.

“To tell the truth, we don't want to single out any of our drivers,”  Alpine's racing director told in front of  the cameras.  “We will give them the same chances, they will have identical cars and it will be up to them which one will be higher in the general classification.”

When asked about this, Pierre replied calmly:

“I'm not afraid of competition from Khaotung, we're not going to repeat the mistakes of Hamilton and Rosberg.  Each of us has his own tasks and our goal is, of course, to fight for the highest positions.”

First smiled as he looked backstage at the athletes seated at a small table surrounded by microphones and cameras.  The camera shutter clicked occasionally, and a single annoying fly circled the ceiling.  The conference room in the hotel was small but air conditioned.  Khao didn't seem to feel any pressure, but First knew it was just a cover.  His boyfriend, although he wouldn't admit it, was a great actor, hiding his nervousness behind a not very sincere smile and slightly nervous laugh, stupid jokes and quotes taken from other drivers.  He laughed out loud when he heard him quoting Kimi Raikkonen:

“Leave me alone, I know what to do.”

Pierre laughed too and patted Khao familiarly on the back.  First felt an unpleasant feeling of jealousy.  It was forbidden to talk about it out loud and officially Pierre had a girlfriend, but in the paddock almost everyone knew the true nature of Pierre's relationship with another F1 driver, the short but funny Japanese Yuki Tsunoda, and that was what worried First the most.  Pierre looked at Khaotung far too often, touched him far too often, and Kanaphan didn't like it, but he couldn't help it.  Nothing was made any easier by the fact that Yuki was racing for another team.

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