*25* Nephilim

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Fourth and Gemini were walking very close to each other again, their hands slapping against each other again and again, and they pretended not to notice, although they both enjoyed this even brief touch

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Fourth and Gemini were walking very close to each other again, their hands slapping against each other again and again, and they pretended not to notice, although they both enjoyed this even brief touch.  Gemini was carrying a sword in his other hand.  They walked back to the Institute slowly, tired and sleepy, but happy.  NuNew was relieved that this was over, being bait wasn't all that fun.  The mere mention of the disgusting creations they had faced made him sicken.  To take his mind off of it, he looked ahead at Gemini and Fourth walking ahead of him.  He envied their innocent intimacy a little, the natural chemistry between them.  He saw Fourth say something to Gemini, and Gem looked at him for a brief moment, then looked away, failing to hide a smile.  NuNew couldn't resist the temptation and stepped in between the boys, throwing his arms around their shoulders.

“And how do you feel after your first mission?”

“More like two,” Fourth added with a smile.  “Excellent! I'm serious!  And check out our outfits!  I think we all look beautiful in black.  Hey, that's right, Nu, because you said something about another music video.  How about the next music video featuring mafia-style dancers in black and with  gold jewelry?  And with those mega fancy sunglasses?”

“Good idea, Nong Fourth.  And if you say so, why don't you and Gemini perform with me?”

“We?!”  They both asked simultaneously.

“Yes, both of you.  Fourth you've already sung with me and I know you have a beautiful voice, and you Gemini, don't you already remember that at the beginning of your stay here, before the training and classes started in earnest, you sometimes played the guitar and sang?  I heard you.  Phuwin could play the piano and Pond has brilliant muscles, we could use that as an asset.  Joong has already agreed to perform as a dancer and I think that with such a crew we would definitely win the hearts of fans.”

“You're a businessman again, P'New,” Gemini grinned, hearing the obvious enthusiasm in his friend's voice.  “I understand you want me to convince Phu?”

“Could you?” NuNew made a face that Gemini found hard to say no to, especially when he looked at his hopeful and enthusiastic eyes.

“Of course, P'New.  You know I owe you.” Gemini pointed his chin gently at Fourth.  NuNew understood.

“Actually, I owe you.”

“What?  Why?  How?”

“I loved Fourth, but not like this.  It was you two who made me realize that sometimes the right person for us is not the one we think is right, but the one that seems unattainable.”

“You're talking about Zee,” Gemini stated simply.

“Yes.  And that's why I thank you.  By the way, nong Gemini, how did you know?”

“Remember the day we went to ask Zee for help finding my stranger?”

New frowned and thought.  The day they went to ask Zee for help?  Of course he remembered that, Zee had yelled at them then, claiming that Knights of Light Institute wasn't a marriage agency and wouldn't deal with such nonsense.

Hey Stranger// GeminiFourth, FirstKhaotungWhere stories live. Discover now