*17* I have to let it go

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NuNew took a long time to gather his courage and searched his mind for the right words.  How was he supposed to convey all this news to a boy who had no idea about the existence of another world so closely connected with the human world?  A world that was much darker, but also more interesting, than you could imagine.  He wanted to push this moment away from them as far away in time as possible.  He looked at his closed eyes, at the long lashes, at the perfectly sculpted nose and lips as if made for kissing, and he didn't want to change it so much, he didn't want to destroy what they had.

However, NuNew, although he sometimes considered himself such, was not a selfish person, and for someone who was important to him, he was willing to do much, much sacrifice.

He had to admit openly that this 3 years younger boy had been his oasis of peace for the last few months, he was also the inspiration for another song written by Nu, which he was to start recording the next week, and whose lyrics he could not get out of his mind.

Today you're still with me
Today you're still mine
Tomorrow I'll have to let you go
I know it'll break me
I know it will bring me more tears
But I know what's right
I can't come in between you and your soulmate

Because we've never ment to be
Because you were never mine
The more we fight the bigger pain we'll feel
So let it go
Yes babe, let it go
Maybe we'll meet again one day
Let it go, just let it go

He cried writing this song when he couldn't sleep, and he wrote it on his magic paper while watching a slideshow of their photos on his laptop.  If he didn't love Fourth, why did it hurt so much?

He tried not to think about it.  He had to do it.

"I can handle it.  Fourth is a good friend and that's all he can be to me and Gemini can't live without him, it's a simple equation and I found the unknown x. Maybe it's time to stop running from the truth?  Maybe it's time to tell P'Zee that I chose Fourth because he reminded me a bit of him from the old days?  Wait... Am I completely crazy?!  Say something like that to Zee?!  He'll kill me!  I don't think he understands, and I don't want to be heartbroken twice in one day!  No, no, it's gone.  Okay, I'll do otherwise.  First I have to introduce Fourth to our world, and then we'll see what's next.” He thought and calmed down he began to speak.

“What would you say if I told you there's a universe out there where I'm not your boyfriend?”   NuNew finally asked, playing with Fourth's hair.  Nattawat lay on the couch with his head in NuNew's lap in their secret cabin, which was the apartment New had bought secretly from everyone and only Fourth knew about.  It was simply decorated, filled with bright furniture and aquamarine walls.  It was here that Fourth felt safest, and it was here that he spent the most time besides First's apartment.

“Is there one?” He answered New's question with a question.  He opened his eyes and studied Chawarin.  Some gut feeling told him something was wrong.  New looked tense and nervous.

“To be completely honest, yes, such a universe exists. I even have something I can show you, only you have to go somewhere with me”.

“Okay, let's go then.” Fourth didn't think too long.  He got up from the couch and helped NuNew up.  They had nothing better to do anyway.  NuNu smiled sadly at him, grabbing his hand.  He was aware that showing the boy this could change their relationship forever, it would never be the same again.  However, he couldn't afford to hide it, although he felt safe and comfortable in the younger's arms, and he also understood that he couldn't keep him to himself forever.

He thought that this might be the last time she held his hand, maybe the last time they'd talk to each other so honestly, and surely it was the last time he could call him his boyfriend... He didn't want to lose him so much, he didn't want to,  to disappear from his life, give him so much strength and courage, so many times he was his oasis of peace.  How is NuNu going to go on without his nong?

Hey Stranger// GeminiFourth, FirstKhaotungजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें