The date

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"How do you like Hillerska then?" Mattias asked. Wille had asked me if I would like to meet up with his friend Mattias, who we had met the night I won Melodifestivalen. And I agreed. So now we were sitting in a dimly lit restaurant in Stockholm with Mattias and his girlfriend Olivia.

"Well Hillerska was the prison cell my parents sent me to after my scandal," Wille said. "I was so mad that they made me transfer schools. But now I am happy they did." His eyes met mine when he said that. If he did not get drunk and beat up some guy in a bar, we would not be sitting here. In another universe where he did not get in trouble, we might never have met. We had lived so different lives until he transferred to Hillerska. I was just an ordinary teenage guy. And he had still been the prince. If anyone had told me we would fall in love a year before we did, I would not have believed them. I would even have laughed and told them no way. No way that I would date a snobby prince. But how wrong I had been about him.

"And I was the outcast of the school for not having rich parents or even a long lost royal relative somewhere," I said. "So I did not love it at first."

"Then why did you attend Hillerska in the first place? There must be a highschool for those who do not get impressed by rich parents or royals," Olivia commented.

"There is. But my sister got bullied there so I transferred to Hillerska with her food my first year," I said.

"Even if that made you miserable?" Olivia asked. She seemed shocked.

"Oh this boy has a saviour's complex. Otherwise he would not have looked my way. I promise you," Wille said with a teasing tone.

"Shut up," I replied. "I fell in love with you because you are sweet and the most handsome guy I have ever met. Not because you needed to be saved." We were already holding hands under the table. I caressed his cheek with my free hand. I could tell that Olivia and Mattias were looking at each other. Maybe they thought that we were crazy. We were a bit crazy, so I guess that that would be fair.

"That is maybe the nicest thing you have ever said to me," Wille said, obviously joking.

"Hey. That is not true and you know that," I replied.

"Well I don't think it counts that you told me that you were going to marry me one day while you were so drunk you did not even recognize me, sweetheart," Wille said.

"Did you really do that?" Mattias asked. Wille nodded.

"If he did," he replied. That made Mattias and Olivia laugh. I felt warm. Embarrassed. "And now you are blushing." That made me feel even warmer. When I saw his grin I laughed. He found it all very funny, even weeks later.

"You are never going to let me forget that, right?" I asked. I had a feeling he would use it against me for the rest of our life together.

"Never," he replied grinning. I loved that little smile. It made me feel butterflies on the inside.

"Damn it," I replied, also grinning. There were definitely worse things to need to hear about. "You are lucky that you are so cute." I pressed my lips to his, giving him a little kiss. He kissed me back.

"So are you," Wille said.

"How do your schoolmates survive to live with the two of you?" Mattias asked. "It must be exhausting. Especially for your sister if you are in the same year." I knew Sara liked Wille. But she was not very fond of finding us kissing in some empty corner of the school. In some way she had gotten used to it as well.

"Sara and Erik are both used tous being a bit clingy with each other," Wille said. A bit clingy was the least we were. We were like magnets pulling towards each other. A force so strong that made it impossible to resist the other. I needed his presence. His touch. Almost like I needed air to breathe.

"More than a little bit, babe," I replied. We all laughed.

"Maybe," Wille replied. 

Author's note

Hi everyone!

I have not updated for a while. I have been busy with school and some other things. Hope you are doing well and that you like the chapter. 


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