The tape

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I could not wrap my head around the fact that there was a sextape of me and Simon up on the internet. It was so messed up. Who would even do that? The person who had done this to me and Simon had outed us to the entire world within minutes. I saw Sara and Linda walk into the room, where Simon and I had been talking.

"Erik said that something had happened to you boys. What has happened?" Linda asked. Simon and I looked at each other. We had not even told his mom we were dating yet. This was such a mess. Sara seemed worried. Stressed out by not knowing what had happened to us. "It does not matter what you have done or what has happened. I won't get angry. I promise. Just tell me and I will do everything I can to help you." Her words made me a bit calmer. It felt good having his mom on our side, even though she did not even know what had happened.

"Before I can tell you what has happened, you need to know that Wille and I are not just best friends. We are boyfriends," Simon said. Linda smiled.

"Mi amor, I have known that since Wilhelm came by our house on your break from school," Linda said. Simon and I looked at each other. Linda laughed. "I am not blind, boys. I saw how you were looking at each other. And as long as you are happy with him, I am happy too." Linda caressed her son's cheek with her hand. Simon hugged her.

"Thanks mom," he said.

"So now to what has happened," she said.

"Someone has leaked a video of us, mom. In an intimate situation. They have filmed us through Wille's window and we don't know what to do," he said.

"What sick person would do that?" Sara asked. We shook our heads. We had no answers to that.

"Someone who apparently thinks that the fact that I have a boyfriend should be public knowledge," I said.

"I am so sorry that someone has done this to you. It is not okay and it is not your fault. You understand that, right?" Linda said. We nodded.

"When was this posted, Wille?" Sara asked me. I looked at her.

"I got the message about it like half an hour ago. And it was posted a few minutes before the performance. Why?" I said. Sara was in deep thought. I saw that on her face.

"It must be someone at the school, right?" she said.

"Most likely, yes," Simon said.

"If you were to leak a video anonymously you would not use your own computer as there would be traces," Sara said. We nodded. "You would use a public computer in a library or somewhere so that your own computer and phone are in the clear." We nodded again.

"Probably. It is like child porn, since we are minors and you would not want to be caught with that stuff," I said.

"Guess who I saw in the library on the way from my locker? I had forgotten my red band in the locker and went there to get it," Sara said.

"Who?" Simon and I said in unison.

"Your second cousin," Sara said to me. "August Von Horn." I felt my blood boil at the possibility that he could have done it.

"He was alone in there, by one of the computers. I thought it was weird as the performance was about to begin," Sara continued.

"It must have been him. He fucking hates me and would do anything to drag me down. Maybe just enough to sacrifice Wille in the process," Simon said.

"We have not been on the best terms either recently, so I don't see us being family as something he would even consider before doing such a thing," I replied. "He did not like when I outed him for being broke in front of his friends when I protected you." Erik came back inside. He had his phone by his ear. He handed it to me.

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