The back to school party

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The music was even louder than before and everyone was in a good mood. The kids at Hillerska loved their parties. And somehow they always had lots of alcohol there despite no one being old enough to buy it yet. This time around it was not me who had fixed it. It was not me at the New Years party either. And thank god for that.

"Wille I want to dance with you," I said in Wille's ear so that he would hear what I was saying. I took his hands in mine and pulled him out on the dancefloor.

"Okay, okay. Chill out a little, baby," Wille replied giggling when he apparently thought that I was a bit too eager. But he danced with me. He actually did. We danced until we both needed to cool down. Despite being winter, it was so hot on the dance floor. There were people everywhere. We went to the side and I sat down on his lap for the second time that night. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled my face closer to his. Our noses touched gently before we kissed. We kissed until we both got tired and needed to rest. I rested my head on his shoulder and I felt him lean his head against mine. Then I did not remember much more from that night. I remembered the rocking sensation of when Wille carried me back to his dorm. I had been more than half asleep at that point. Barely conscious about what happened around us. Before I knew it I was laying on Wille's bed and he kissed me goodnight. I remembered his warm lips against my cold forehead. How safe I felt with him. How loved and safe I was with him. When I opened my eyes he laid there next to me, still sleeping. He was undressed down to his boxers and I was still in my trousers and hoodie. I heard a bang on Wille's door, but Wille did not wake up. I pulled myself up and opened the door enough to see the person outside. It was a second year boy outside.

"The clock is 7 AM and the breakfast is soon open," he said.

"Thank you," I replied politely before shutting the door. I went back to the bed, where my boyfriend was still sleeping. He seemed so peaceful in his sleep. I sat down on the bedside and gently caressed his face with my fingers. Then I let my fingers travel down his neck and shoulder. I did not know how it was possible to be as pretty as him. He slowly opened his eyes.

"Hi," he said in a drowsy voice and let his hand search for mine, until our hands intertwined. I smiled when he did.

"Hi," I replied.

"You were tired last night," Wille said. "All of that dancing apparently took the last energy out of you." We both giggled.

"I guess so," I replied. "I am sorry for that." He had carried me back here from the palace. It was not that far, but with all that snow and ice it could not have been the easiest task to get me back to his dorm when I was already sleeping.

"Don't be. You are extremely cute when you are sleeping. Did you know that?" I shook my head.

"So are you," I flirted with him. We both leaned in and kissed each other. "We have to get to breakfast by the way."

"Is it already breakfast?" Wille asked me. I nodded. He groaned and laid his head back on his pillow. He was not the perkiest morning person I had met.

"And I opened the door, so you better believe that the whole school knows that I slept in here with you," I said. He knew what that meant. The other boys would insist on us standing on the table disclosing what we did in his dorm during the night.

"Sorry to say this babe, but I think they all have figured out that we are in a relationship by now anyways. So they will probably always assume things if you stay in my dorm," Wille said with a grin. I grinned too.

"True," I said.  

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