The manager

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I was sleeping in his arms. I knew I was safe. Safe with him. Life had been a bit stressful, becoming a professional singer and all. I knew music was not an easy business. But with him I could release myself from all that. He could make me forget everything else. Just his scent surrounding me and his warm skin against mine kept me peacefully asleep. The sound of his heartbeat was familiar to my ear. I loved falling asleep with my head on his chest, listening to his heart. It was strong and steady. Rhythmic. When I began waking up he was still sitting against the wall, holding me close. His eyes were still open. Smiling at me.

"Hello there, sleepy," he said and caressed me over the head, down on my chin. I yawned a bit.

"For how long have I been asleep?" I asked. I sat up and moved to sit next to him, from basically sitting in his lap.

"A while," he said. He looked down at our entwined fingers. "Come back here and cuddle, please."

"But it is warm, Wille," I said. I felt sweaty already.

"Well I think I know how to solve that," he said with a grin.

"So what is your suggestion?" I asked. "Taking all of my clothes off?" Wile giggled.

"Or throwing icy water over you," he joked.

"What time is it?" I asked. I had no clue for how long I had been sleeping, or how long he had been sitting there.

"It is 8 PM," he said. I had been sleeping for hours. Last time I had seen what time it was, it was barely 5 PM.

"And you have been sitting here all this time, just looking at me or what?" I asked. He nodded. I grinned.

"Weirdo," I said teasingly. He wrestled me down on the bed and laughed against my ear.

"Maybe I am. But you should see yourself sleeping, Simon. You are cuter than a kitten," he replied.

"I am not a kitten. Fuck you," I said, pretending to be offended. He laughed.

"Well if you want to, you can," he teased back. I shook my head and smiled at him.

"Dork," I said. I giggled when he tickled me and kissed my face in response.

"I am serious, baby," he said. "I am right here if you want me." He had been very flirty recently. Sweet. Maybe he had a feeling that while being in the studio was really fun, it was also exhausting. I had been recording at least ten songs in the past weeks. I had not written any of them myself. It was stuff that the record label thought would fit me. I did not know if it actually did, or if it all sounded like rubbish anyways.

"Mom is at home though," I said.

"As if that has ever stopped you before," he replied. I laughed. It had not. But those days it was not Thursday, which was the day mom usually did laundry. And my bedroom was just by the laundry room. "It is okay if you don't want to though. You can just say so if that is the case."

"I totally want you," I said. I climbed to sit on top of him. He was wearing jeans and a nice long sleeve blue shirt. In the heat, I did not know how he did not die wearing that though. I was at least in a t-shirt and mid thigh shorts. "But you need to be quiet, because mom might be finishing up the laundry in the other room." He giggled. Touched my face with his fingers.

"I am not the loud one out of you and me, Simon. So you keep that in mind so that you don't cause Linda nightmares," he teased.

"Well you are not the most quiet either," I replied. Before he could reply something whitty, I pressed my lips to his. That kept him quiet, at least for a little while.

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