Back to school

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Wilhelm stayed over the entire weekend. He did not want to go back to Hillerska without me. I understood why. The video had leaked out at the school too. All of our schoolmates had probably seen us in bed by now. We did not go outside, since we did not feel like being looked at by strangers. Wilhelm was used to attention wherever he went, but not in this way. Not in the "I have been outed in front of the whole world" way. I had also been outed in front of the whole world. My sexuality was not a secret in any way, but since I was not close to anyone but Sara and Wille I had never spoken openly about it at school. Now they all knew. And I had not just fallen in love with any boy at that school. I had fallen in love with their prince. The person they were speculating about, whose lovelife apparently was more interesting than the rest of us.

"So what do we do in school tomorrow?" Wilhelm asked me. We were sitting in the kitchen with Sara. Mom was at work and would not come home until later.

"We act like normal, I suppose?" I replied.

"And that is?" he replied.

"Sneaking around school and kissing in empty rooms when we get the chance?" I said. That made Wille and Sara laugh.

"Or you can just be a couple?" Sara said. "They already know that you have something going on, so why hide it? You did nothing wrong. It was August or whoever did this to you who should be ashamed of themselves, not you. It is not illegal to fall in love, but posting videos of other people in intimate situations without their consent is." There was something in what she was saying.

"If anyone gives you a hard time about it just tell me, and I will dump a load of horse poop in their bed," Sara said, giggling. Wille and I looked at each other and laughed. It felt good to have my sister's support.

"Thanks for the offer, Sara," Wille and I replied. Instead of crying about it, we laughed about it. It was a coping mechanism, I guessed. We made dinner and watched a few episodes of a series on Netflix before going to bed that night. Wilhelm and I laid next to each other in my bed, holding each other close. We were both a bit nervous about school the morning after, even if Sara had promised to take care of anyone who gave us a hard time about the tape. When we woke up Monday morning, both of us were so nervous about school that we could not eat anything. Mom drove us to school that day, to make sure we got there safely. She left us down by the bus stop.

"Have a good day at school. Just call me if you need me. And you are welcome in our home anytime Wilhelm," mom said before driving off. Sara had stuff to do in the stables before first period, so Wille and I walked up to school ourselves. Before walking all the way up we stopped to hug a little. We both needed courage to do this, even if it was just entering the same school as I had attended the past semester.

"We are in this together, okay?" I said. Wille nodded.

"Yes," he said. "We just ignore them if they try to be rude or anything."

"Deal," I replied. We kissed before going inside.

"I just need to drop off my bag in my room before breakfast," Wille said. I nodded. "I will see you at breakfast, okay?"

"Okay. See you later, Wille," I said and stole a kiss from him. There was no one in the entrance, so no one saw us. He smiled and went in the direction of his dorm. I went to my locker and put my bag and jacket in there. Then I went to breakfast. I was hungry, since I was used to eating before going to school. I did not look at anyone as I walked into the dining room. I just focused on making my sandwich and to not spill out my coffee on the way to the table. I sat down by myself, where no one else was sitting. I knew that the students who already sat there were looking at me. I felt their eyes on me. I got a text from Wille, that made me look up. He smiled at me, as he was standing in line for breakfast. He got himself sandwiches and a glass of juice and then walked over to me. He sat down next to me. I felt his hand on my thigh.

"Have you seen you know who yet?" I asked him.

"Who? Voldemort?" Wille joked. I giggled.

"Exactly," I replied. Wille grinned. He knew who I had referred to.

"Not yet," he said.

I saw the people I really did not look forward to seeing in line for breakfast. August and his boys. His peasants. At least he acted like they were. I hoped they would sit down on their end of the table. That they would not see us. But I was hoping for too much, apparently. They were walking towards us.

"Look at who came to school today, boys," August said. His friends laughed. August went up behind us and rubbed his hands in our hair. I just looked down into the table, full of rage that I could not get out. It was like I was frozen.

"Stop it, August," Wille said. They all sat down around us, which I was not happy with. I just wanted to be left alone.

"Did you have a nice weekend?" Vincent asked. I just looked at him. Was he for real?

"I would guess they had a fantastic weekend. They were probably spending it in socialist Simon's bed. Because you like hanging out in each other's beds right?" August teased. If I had more coffee in my cup I would have thrown it all over him. Lucky him I did not. Wille stood up, ready to leave. He took my hand in his.

"Come, baby. We don't have to take this," he said. He called me his baby in front of people. He had never done that before. "Take your sandwich with you. We can eat our breakfast elsewhere." I nodded and stood up too.

"You are right. We don't have to take bullying," I said, taking my sandwich in one hand and Wille in the other. Then we left the room. We sat down in the common room area to finish our breakfast there.

"Oh. Prince Wilhelm and Simon, I was just looking for you. Will you come inside my office for a few minutes?" Anette Lilja, our headmistress said. We looked at each other and nodded. We walked inside her office and sat down on two chairs in front of her desk.

"I know what has happened this weekend. I want to tell you that I condemn the video that was leaked of the two of you. If there is anything we as staff and teachers can do for you, just tell us," she said. "Was there any particular reason for you to eat your breakfast in the common room instead of in the dining room? Are the other boys giving you a hard time?"

"Thank you, headmistress. We really appreciate it," Wille replied.

"We ate our breakfast out in the common room because of some third years making us uncomfortable," I said.

"And the third year students were?" Anette asked us.

"August, Vincent, Nils and a few more," Wille said.

"I will deal with that. I also wanted to say that I will file a police report. I won't tolerate that students do crimes to other students at Hillerska," she said. "Come by my office later today if you want to be present." We nodded, thanked her and went to our first period. Social science. When we entered the classroom, everyone looked at us. We ignored them looking and the whispers too. We walked hand in hand down to a table in the back. We sat down on the chairs. I still had his hand in mine under the table. When Sara came into the classroom she gave us a smile and then sat down next to Felice. The period began and an hour later we had recess. Wille and I went out by our lockers, to leave our books in there. We did not leave each other's side once.

"Hi boys," Felice said, as she came out of the classroom with Sara.

"Hi," we said in unison.

"How are you doing?" she asked. "It is so messed up that someone would do that to you. I am so sorry this happened to you."

"Well considering the circumstances it could be worse I guess," Wille said. "Thanks for asking, Felice."

"Well there are a few circumstances that could have been better though," I said.

"Did something happen this morning?" Sara asked. I nodded.

"August and his pathetic friend group were rude to us," I said. "We had our breakfast in the common room instead at last."

"Would it feel better to eat with us?" Felice asked. "Then you don't have to see them as much."

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