The concussion

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Coming back to school after being robbed on an alley in Stockholm had been exhausting. My head was hurting and I had a hard time concentrating in class. The doctors had proposed that I took some sick leave from school to rest, but I could not miss out on my classes. And I did not want to leave Wille alone. He had been worried sick since I first saw him in the hospital. And he wanted to know who did it. Who robbed me. But I could not remember. I remembered having dinner with Anton and then it was all blank until I woke up in the hospital, with Peter sitting by my bedside. I remembered those hours in between as much as I remembered the night I was born. Not at all, with other words. But I had tried to remember, mostly for Wille's sake. But then and there, I was concentrating on some chemistry formulas. The numbers on the page seemed to be moving around and soon I felt dizzy. And I felt suddenly nauseous.

"Are you okay?" Felice asked me. She was sitting next to me. I shook my head. I felt that I was about to throw up, so I rushed out of the classroom into the boys toilets. I heard feet rushing after me. Felice. I crouched down on the floor by the toilet and threw up. Felice leaned over me and held back my hair that had grown a little bit. It was longer than it usually was and I had thoughts on cutting it, but Wille said he liked my long curls so I had not done it yet.

"You poor thing," Felice said. She patted my back and handed me a paper cup with water from the sink. It tasted really bad in my mouth, so I appreciated it. I felt cold, but sweaty at once. I did not know how I was supposed to get out of there.

"Thank you, Felice," I said. Then I threw up another time. She held back my hair once again.

"Boy I am texting Wille now, because this is not good," she said. I protested a little. I did not want him to worry about me. And he had class too.

"Don't worry Wille about this, please," I said. She looked at me.

"He is your boyfriend, Simon. Of course he is going to be worried sick after you get mugged in the street and left bleeding in the cold," she said. "And you have thrown up twice."

"Please Felice," I said, begging her not to tell Wille before his class had ended.

"Okay, but only this time, okay?" she said. "But you are going to your dorm to rest and that is non negotiable." I did not protest that. She gave me a hand and then she supported me all the way back to my dorm. She got me under the duvets and sat down on the bedside, observing me. After a little while my exhaustion took me over and I fell asleep. It was nice, fading away into sleep. I did not feel the constant pain in my head as bad when I was asleep. I did not know for how long I slept, but when I opened my eyes the next time Wille sat next to me in bed and Felice was nowhere to be seen. So she had told him anyway.

"So she told you anyway?" I said. He nodded, while caressing me over the head gently.

"She texted me as soon as you had fallen asleep," he said with a grin on his lips. I groaned.

"But I told her not to worry you. You had class," I said.

"And so does she. And she is not the one who is in a relationship with this crazy little boy I have here," he said. He kept caressing my face. "But I am and therefore I am taking care of you, whether you like it or not." I closed my eyes again. I felt his lips against my forehead.

"Don't kiss me on the lips, just a warning," I said.

"What will you do if I do?" he jokingly asked. "Kill me? Kick me off the bed? I think you have forgotten that you have a concussion, baby." He was kissing my cheeks too.

"I have not brushed my teeth after throwing up, you goof," I said. He giggled.

"You did not have to say that, love," he said. "It smells like you did not brush your teeth, and maybe like you might have gotten some on your clothes too." He then kissed me on the lips, even if I had warned him not to.

"And you say I am crazy," I said. "I am not kissing my boyfriend who has not brushed his teeth after throwing up at least." That made him chuckle.

"I never claimed to be the sane one either, baby. I just concluded that you are crazy for not resting out your concussion," he replied. "Do you want to take a shower?" I nodded. I could use a shower.

"Yes please," I said.

"And while we are at it we can brush your teeth," he said. I giggled.

"We?" I repeated.

"Yeah. I was thinking that I could join you in the shower," he said. "And then I could help you brush your teeth if you want me to." He kissed my forehead again before helping me out of bed.

"Well you can join me in the shower, but you will not brush my teeth," I said.

"Okay, okay, love," he said and laughed.  

Author's note

Hello everyone! I hope you have a good summer. Here in Sweden it is mostly raining away. To something more exciting, I get the keys to my new apartment  tomorrow. It will be my first experience of living completely on my own which is nice (yes, I am an introvert). I went to the area where I will live a couple of weeks ago and it was still a construction site (!!), so hopefully I just don't get the keys but can also begin to move in lol. This means that I might update on here a bit slower the coming month, as I will have to get my new place ready for the new school semester. I don't own any furniture as I rented my previous room fully furnished. So I am furnishing my place on my own for the first time, which will be fun. And I will find out how good or bad I am at putting furniture from IKEA together (maybe I will just end up sleeping in the mattress and use the cardboard boxes as a table, who knows?). Until I update next time I hope you all have a nice rest of the summer (or well, beginning of autumn if you are in Sweden) and see you later.

- A.A.  

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