The movie night

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Trigger warning: sexual harassment

Marcus had asked me if I wanted to come over to watch a movie. I had agreed. It was nice to hang out with someone else who was LGBTQ, as we probably had more in common. And Marcus was nice. He had been nice at the karaoke, even if his friends were not people I wanted to hang out with again.

"Hi Simon," he said and hugged me.

"Hi," I said.

"Come inside," he said. "I can take your jacket and put it in the wardrobe if you want me to."

"Okay," I replied. I went after him into his little living room with a combined kitchen.

"It is cozy here," I said. I felt awkward. Suddenly I felt like I was not supposed to be there.

"My mom helped me, so I can't take full credit," he said and grinned. "Are you thirsty? I have Fanta and coke. There is sparkling water too I think."

"Coke is fine," I said. I sat down next to him on the sofa.

"So what do you want to watch?" Marcus asked me.

"What do you like?" I asked him.

"Action," he said.

"Action?" I repeated and giggled.

"Yeah, what do you like to watch then?" Marcus replied. He smiled.

"I like horror," I said. I did like horror movies. Since Wille did not like them I hardly watched horror anymore. The few times when Wille had agreed to watch horror with me, he sat in my lap and hid his face in my shirt. It was very cute. I remembered him being scared at the movie night at school too. He had held my hand that night, until he went out when the movie was too scary. I kissed him after that, down in the corridor.

"Horror? I can't stand horror," Marcus said.

"We can watch action if you want," I said.

"No, you are my guest. You decide," he said. We decided on a thriller called The forest. When it got a bit scary, I felt Marcus hand on mine. I looked over at him. Gently pulled my hand away. I told myself he put his hand on mine unconsciously. He said he was afraid of horror movies, after all. We sat next to each other without saying anything about it. We watched the movie for like ten minutes in complete silence. Then I felt his hand on mine, once again. Our eyes met. Before I knew it, his lips were on mine. I felt his hand on my thigh. The other on my neck. His hand on my thigh moved up to my crotch. I tried to push him away, but he was a lot bigger than me.

"Marcus," I said against his lips. He kept kissing me.

"Mhm?" he replied.

"Stop it," I said. He leaned back on the sofa. He looked deeply into my eyes.
"Why? Don't you like to be kissed?" he asked me.

"Not by you. I am not single," I said. "I think I should go now. This was a fucking mistake."

"Wilhelm does not need to know," he replied. He pulled me closer once more and forced his lips onto mine. "I like you, Simon. And I don't think you need a snobby prince to be happy."

"You don't even know me," I said. I pushed him away and stood up. He took my hand in his. He apparently had problems understanding. I took the glass with coca cola and threw its contents over him. I then put the glass down on the table. He let go of me and I ran down the stairs, got into my shoes and pulled my jacket out of the wardrobe. Then I ran out of the house. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called Ayoub.

"Hi Simme. What is up?" he said.

"You were right," I replied. My voice broke. I felt tears roll down my cheeks.

"Right about what?" he asked me.

"About Marcus," I said.

"Where are you?" he asked me.

"I am at his farm," I said.

"I am coming to get you. I am there in like five minutes okay?" Ayoub said. I sobbed.

"Thanks," I said. I stood by the bus stop and watched out for Marcus, in case he had followed me. He had not, thankfully. After a few minutes Ayoub appeared on his moped. He stopped by the bus stop and got off. I threw myself in his arms. Cried in his hoodie.

"I should have fucking listened to you. I am so fucking dumb," I cried. Ayoub patted my back. Tried to comfort me.

"It is not your fault that he is apparently an idiot, Simme," he said. "Do you want me to drive you home or to Hillerska?" I was lucky to have such a good best friend.

"Why would you drive me to Hillerska?" I asked.

"Because your boyfriend who loves you lives there, remember? And I think you might need him right now," Ayoub said. I nodded. He drove me to Hillerska and he walked up to the Forest range with me. We walked inside and I led him in the direction of Wille's dorm. I knocked on his door.

"Who is it?" I heard Wille's voice through the door.

"It is Simon," I said. He opened his door. The sight of him made me cry even more. I threw myself in his arms. He embraced me, but seemed a bit surprised.

"What has happened, baby?" he asked. I could not speak. "Ayoub?" Ayoub closed the door and walked inside Wille's dorm too.

"He was supposed to watch a movie with Marcus, you know?" Ayoub said. Wille nodded. I had told him so.

"Well Marcus thought they were on a date and he kissed and touched Simon. And he did not stop when Simon asked him to do so," Ayoub continued.

"I am so sorry Wille," I sobbed.

"You did not want him to kiss or touch you, right? And you did nothing to suggest you were on a date?" Wille asked me. I shook my head. I had thought he just wanted to be friends.

"No," I said.

"Then you don't have anything to apologise for, okay?" Wille said. He sat me down on his bed. I could not look into his eyes. I felt like I had betrayed him. He held my hand in his.

"Okay," I replied.

"Simon, look at me," Wille said. I looked up at him. "Nothing he did to you was your fault. Sexual harassment is not cheating. I love you."

"I told you he would not be angry with you," Ayoub said to me.

"Thank you for getting him, Ayoub," Wille said and hugged him. "Do you want to stay? You can sleep on the spare bed if you want to."

"I need to get home, I think. We have school early tomorrow," Ayoub said. "But thanks for the offer Wille." Wille nodded.

"I will call you tomorrow, Simme. Okay?" Ayoub said. I nodded.

"Thank you," I said.

"You take care of him now, right?" Ayoub asked Wille at the door. Wille nodded.

"Don't worry," Wille said. When Ayoub had gone, Wille came back to the bed. He helped me out of my jacket and took off my shoes. He sat down next to me. He held me close. Let me cry into his t-shirt. At last I fell asleep, with him still stroking my hair.    

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