The money

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The little shit August had not paid me yet and Micke was getting impatient. I somehow wished I had not agreed to August's deal. If I fixed alcohol I could come to the party. But if it wasn't for that party Wilhelm and I might never have gotten so close that we have become. I remember sitting outside listening to him singing "It takes a fool to remain sane". When August and the other third year boys came looking for him he made me hide with him. I had teased him by calling out his name just as them. It ended up with him trying to block my mouth with his hand. I remember how hard I wanted to kiss him that night. And I did, but he did not remember it the day after since he was so drunk. And kissing someone who is drunk does not count. Not if they don't remember it afterwards. But somehow I think he knew that we had done something that people who are just friends don't do, since he did not defend himself when August and Vincent bugged him the morning after about where he had been after the party. If he had just seen me as a friend he would have said that I took care of him and that he had not spent the night with one of the girls. Even though I had a fun night I had to take the consequences of that now. If Micke did not get his money it would not be fun. I did not want more to do with him than necessary. Being in contact with him felt like a betrayal to Sara, whom I had promised to not keep things from. I had to get August to pay what he owed me, so I decided to speak to him before practice that morning. I had gotten up super early and was standing outside the main building of Hillerska. August always showed up before anyone else, so I had my chance before the other boys would show up. As I knew he did show up before anyone else. He was dressed in expensive clothes and shoes.

"Hi Socialist boy," he greeted me, as he usually did. To him I was not Simon. In his eyes I would always be below him. Not worthy of respect. I was to be one in a group without a voice that the nobility and rich people could step on however they wanted to.

"You owe me money and you will pay me back," I replied angrily. I had asked him about the money before and he said he would fix it.

"So you thought," he said with a grin. "Just a tip to a noob like you, don't spend money you don't have," he continued.

"I am so fucking tired of you. Send me the money or else," I replied.

"Or what, is the little latino socialist going to hurt me? I think my rabbit slippers went to hide somewhere," he said with a superior voice. "You can't scare me. Now stop bothering me or I will not have you on the team," he said. I was so angry that I pushed him. I usually did not use violence, but August took out the worst of me. I should not have pushed him, because he went after me to take revenge. He was hitting me and I tried to free myself, but I couldn't.

"August, what the hell are you doing?" I heard Wille's angry voice behind me, coming closer. "Leave him alone," he said and dragged August away from me. Wille then reached a hand out to me and helped me up from the dirty ground. I gave him a thankful look.

"Just so you know he pushed me first," August defended himself.

"Well you did not just push him, did you?" Wille replied, visibly angry. The other guys were starting to show up for our morning run, and therefore August let it go quickly. Wille however, turned to me.

"Are you ok?" he asked me. I nodded.

"I am okay," I replied. I wanted to hug him. Kiss him. But I could not do that.

"Stay in the locker room after everyone has left later, okay?" Wille whispered in my ear. I did not know if he wanted to interrogate me about why August was an asshole to me, or if he wanted to snog me. I hoped for the latter. But first we would have to do some self torture lead by my least favorite person in this world. If it was not for Wille and my grades I would still be sleeping in my room. But here I was, 6 AM a Monday morning. And God knows I hated every second of it.


"What was that about?" Wille asked me. I sat on the bench in the locker room. I had put my ordinary clothes on. I had not told him that August owed me money. I decided to be honest with him.

"August owes me money that he refuses to give me back," I said.

"Money?" Wille asked.

"I fixed booze for the party they had for you. And now I owe the person who bought it out and he is pressuring me about it. But I am broke, so I can't pay him back if August does not pay me back," I explained. Wille gave me an understanding look.

"I wish that August could just fuck off. He is so annoying,"Wille said. He did not seem too fond of his second cousin. "I will pay you for the booze and then he can owe me instead," he said and got his phone out of his pocket.

"Wille, you don't have to," I replied. "It is between me and August. Do you really want to get involved?" I asked him. He nodded.

"If he is hitting my boyfriend over it I will get involved, Simon," he replied. "How much was it?" he asked.

"2496 kronor" I sighed. It was a lot for someone who had nothing. For August it was a new pair of shoes.

"I will swish you now so that you can pay the guy," he said and soon I had 2500 kronor on my account.

"Thank you babe," I said. He put his arm around me and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"It was the least I could do. Just tell me if he bothers you again," he replied.

"And you will do what?" I asked. "Beat him up for me?" I giggled.

"With pleasure. I have dreamed of a reason to beat that idiot up for a while," he said and laughed. I looked at the clock on my phone. They served breakfast in fifteen minutes, so we still had time to cuddle a little. I wrapped my arms around him.

"Just make sure he does not hurt you, okay?" I replied. He laughed.

"I promise," he said. Then he brushed his lips against my neck. I felt him smell my newly washed skin. I turned to kiss him. His lips tasted sweet. We stood up and he had me stand against the wall. I had one hand in his beautiful blond hair and the other on his lower back, dangerously close to his bottom. His both hands were on my face. We kissed each other deeper and deeper. I loved being this close to him. He smelled lovely. Like a new box of perfume. His hair was still wet from the shower, but I let my fingers play with strands of hair anyways. When we finally had to catch our breath we just held each other.

"I am so in love with you," he said with a low voice.

"I am in love with you too, Wille," I replied.

"I wish I could just stay in my room and cuddle you all day," he said.

"That sounds lovely, but you actually live at a school," I reminded him. "So we actually have to do some school work as well," I continued. He groaned. I giggled.

"But you consent if I want to sneak in somewhere to cuddle and kiss you a bit now and then?" he asked. When I nodded he smiled big.

"Of course I want to kiss you, beautiful," I said before kissing him again.     

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