A new turn

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I had tried talking my mother into that I could go and see Simon over Midsummer. I was not successful with it. Obviously. Traditions said that we celebrated as a family. When I asked if Simon could come over, it was also a straight no from the start. I had not seen Simon for over a week. We had obviously texted and talked on the phone, but I missed being with him. Like actually seeing him. But apparently mom did not want any big headlines about us. I understood that. I also wanted to protect my private life as best as I could, but sometimes my desire to see Simon was too strong to even care about it. I hated being a prince with every cell of my body. How I wished I was just an ordinary teenager who could do things without it being in the press, all the time. I had the reputation of being the party prince. The scandalous prince. Erik always did as mom told him. He never had an official relationship, even if I knew he had dated girls before. His only real girlfriend was the daughter of my mother's friend though. It was of course perfect, as they were in the same social circles and it would cut the gossip. I did not care on the other hand. Simon was my heart's desire and something as stupid as a prince title would not keep me from him. I was on my bed and I was mad. I had argued with mom. I wondered how it was like to have parents who did not play God and tried to dictate your every move. Like Linda. I knew she could be strict. Simon had told me so. But she just wanted her children to be happy. She never tried to dictate what Simon would become when he was older. As long as he was happy doing it, she would support him. I knew that. My mother, on the other hand, already had a plan for me. I would join the military after high school. I would educate myself to become like an officer or something. But I would never be called out to actually fight to defend Sweden, or any other country for that matter. Then I would study something at university. And then she wanted me to get married. Even if she had somewhat accepted Simon now, I knew she would have preferred if I married a woman. Then I was to have children. The script of my own life went on in my head and I did not like it. I hated it. When Simon called me, I tried to leave my misery behind before I picked up.

"Hi baby," Simon said. He sounded excited. Like more than usual.

"Hello, my love," I replied. I tried to hide my own bad mood to not drag him down with me. I wanted him to be happy.

"How are you doing?" he asked me. I told him I missed him. He saw right through me and asked if I had been fighting with mom. I just told the truth. He would hear that I lied if I tried to hide it.

"How are you doing yourself?" I asked, trying to turn the focus back on him.

"I am doing wonderfully, actually. I received a call like an hour ago," he began.

"Who was it?" I asked.

"It was the boss at the TEN music record label," Simon replied.

"What?" I could not really compute what he was saying.

"They apparently had someone in the audience when I sang with the choir at the graduation ceremony and on instagram, and they are offering me a contract with their label," he said. TEN was known for having signed very successful artists in the past.

"Simon, that is great," I said. I did not know what else to say. I knew he had dreamed of a career in music since he was a small child. I was so happy for him.

"Well I have not said yes yet," Simon said.

"Why have you not? You get a call from one of the greatest record labels in the country and they offer you a contract. What is the problem?" I said. I had a feeling I knew the answer to that. The problem was me. It always was. It would always be.

"Well I have not told them no, either. But I asked if I could call back. I can't just make a decision like this without talking to mom. And I can't just make decisions without you either, can I? This will affect our relationship, more than in one way if I sign with them," he said.

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