The release party

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The party was about to begin and Simon and I were standing together at the entrance, greeting people entering. There were friends from Hillerska there, but also a lot of well known media people. Like real singers. Musicians. Most of them were on the same label as Simon and had probably been invited or asked to come to bring attention to the event. But it was still big. They were there to see my boyfriend perform. And there were people with cameras and microphones there too. Paparazzi. The kind of attention I had lived with all of my life. But it was different now. They were not there for me. They were there for Simon. Simon was perfectly styled in the cute pieces I had picked out for him. Someone had put some makeup on him too. A little eyeshadow and some eyeliner. He was really pretty. I could not for the life of me pull my eyes away from him. And I had a feeling I could just look at him all night. He was so excited. And I was so proud of him. My talented, sweet boyfriend had actually made it. His first album. It was one of his dreams. One of his life goals. It was achieved now. Felice and Sara walked up to the entrance, and Linda came not long after them. They of course had to be there. Linda seemed so proud. So did Sara.

"You are so beautiful, Simon," Sara complimented her brother. "You did not choose that outfit yourself, did you?" Her tone was teasing. He laughed and shook his head.

"That was Wille actually," he replied.

"Future career maybe?" Felice commented and gave me a big hug. I chuckled. Who knew? I did know how to match an outfit. I had been trained to dress in matching clothes all my life. As a prince I could not look however. And I guessed it was a habit that just had stuck.

"Maybe," I giggled. "But only for him. I don't really care for clothes." Simon talked to his mother. They were both smiling really big. This was what she had worked for all their lives too. Sara and Simon's. All she did was to make their lives better than hers had been. To make sure they had happy lives and could achieve their dreams. And she had succeeded. Simon had the time of his life. And he was just seventeen.

"Don't tell Simon I said this, but he really needs someone to style him," Sara said. I had always thought Simon's way of dressing himself was cute. It was carefree. And he was gorgeous in whatever he wore.

"Well there is a stylist that is supposed to do it for him," I said. "So you don't need to worry that he will walk up on stage in his NASA T-shirt." Sara laughed.

"Was that what he had thought of wearing? Dear God," she said. The girls and Linda walked inside and Simon and I welcomed other guests. I saw someone I would recognize anywhere stand in line. My mother. What was she doing there? She did not approve of any of it. She was not happy for Simon. I knew that. In her mind he had stolen me away from the family. What he really did was give me the strength to break free myself. He made me see clearly, after living in a constant fog for sixteen years. What happened would have happened sooner or later anyway. Meeting Simon had just made the process faster. My eyes met Simon's. He had also seen her.

"What is she doing here?" he whispered. I shook my head. I had no idea. I had not invited her. That was for sure.

"I have no idea, baby. I can ask her to leave," I said. He shook his head.

"Only if it makes you uncomfortable," he said. "Otherwise I don't think it is worth throwing out the literal Queen. That would make for some really nasty headlines in the tabloids." I understood what he meant. It would not look good for Simon to throw out the Queen. Not this publicly. We greeted some people and then she was standing in front of us. She was in her professional look. As if she was out on official business for the crown.

"Wilhelm," she said.

"Mother," I replied. My voice was cold. I heard it myself. Her voice however was a bit sad. Still professional, but there was some longing in that voice. I knew so.

"I have missed you," she said. Missed me or missed me under her control? That was the big question. I did not know how to reply to that. I had not missed the royal court. But I had missed having a mother. A mother of my own. I could not deny that. I just stared at her. I did not know what to say. She embraced me. Touched my face with her slim fingers. As always painted in a mute pink colour. She then turned to Simon. That made me tense up a bit. I knew she would not be rude to him. Not in front of all of them.

"I will have to congratulate you on the release of your first album, Simon," she said. It was not said with any warmth. It was rather accusing. As if what she really would have liked to say was something like "How dare you steal my son away from me?"

"Thank you, your majesty," he said politely. She nodded a little and excused herself to get inside the party. When we had welcomed and greeted everyone who seemed to attend the release party, Simon and I also walked inside. Before we did, I kissed him. A little good luck on his night. The night of his life.


I had never been prouder of my boy. His voice was crystal clear. Flawless. And he was unstoppable that night. Nothing could come in his way. Not even that my mother was there. I tried to ignore her presence there, but it was not that easy. People of course knew that she was my mother. I felt that there was an expectation that I should take care of our royal guest that we had not invited. Other people did not really know how to approach her. How to act. Simon sang another song and the entire audience was in a trance. He must have been a siren in a past life, because he could seduce anyone just with his voice. When he was finished everyone cheered for him. Applauded him. I could see on his face that he was really pleased about the performance. It had truly been perfect. He bowed and then he went backstage. And he made a little sign for me to follow him. I met him back there, in a small space. I smiled at him.

"That was perfect, darling," I said. He pulled me closer to him. I knew what he probably had planned.

"Thank you, handsome," he replied. His lips were just centimetres away from mine. I decided to make the gap go away completely. I held him in my arms. I felt his fingers in my hair and on my face. His other hand on my back. My own hands were all over his back. And our lips danced with each other. His lips tasted sweet. Like strawberries. And I could not stop kissing him. It was not possible. If he had put everyone in trance by the performance, he had enchanted me. My heart was filled with love. And my body was filled with a need to be close to him. I felt a hand on the belt on my trousers. I stopped him with a hand.

"Darling there are so many people here. Later, okay?" I whispered in his ear. He removed his hand and looked longingly at me.

"Sorry baby. I got a bit too excited for a second there," he said. I giggled. So did he.

"It is okay," I said and pressed my lips to his again. "I want to, but later when we are alone." He nodded. Kissed me.

"Would you have done it if there were less people out there?" he asked teasingly. The music was loud, so no one would probably hear if we did anything there behind the little stage. But someone could come looking for us. Or more likely him. This party was for him after all.

"How did you get this horny darling?" I teased back. His hands were back on my face and in my hair.

"When did you get so hot, huh?" he replied, mumbling against my lips.

"I guess I was just born with it," I said. He giggled against my lips.

"Born with what?" I heard a very familiar voice behind me. It was my mother's voice. Simon and I separated quickly. Apparently I could not make out with my boyfriend without having her sneaking on us.

"Nothing," I replied. I knew she did not believe me, but she seemed to let it go. Maybe she realised that she would not want to hear us dirty talking.

"I am heading home now. I just came to say goodbye. It was nice seeing you. You seem happier," she said.

"Because I am, mom. I am happier than I ever was as a prince," I said. It was true. And all the anxiety I had been feeling was one way or another connected to my family. To her. She nodded. Her eyes were sad. If I had not known her as well as I did, I would have thought she was about to cry. But she was my mother. The Queen. And the Queen did not cry. Never.

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