Summer holidays

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The yearly traditions for graduation were in the works. There were big celebrations and parents and other relatives were there to see the third year students graduate. The third year students would not come back the next semester. And we would be second year students when we got back to this place. I thought of how much I had changed, just in a year. Well, maybe not just me. My circumstances were much different than they were the same time of year the year before. A year ago I graduated from secondary school with Rosh and Ayoub. I remembered how we all had cried, because of how much we would miss being in the same class. Now I was standing at the schoolyard of Hillerska, next to Wille. My boyfriend. We had never met a year ago. And now he meant everything. I could not even think of a world where we did not collide. Where our worlds did not morph into one.

"Baby," Wille said and put his hand on my arm to catch my attention. I directly looked at him and I saw on him that he did not feel well. His anxiety did not like big crowds like this. Being a prince and having trouble with anxiety was not a great combination.

"Do you need to go?" I asked him. He nodded. I saw that he was on the edge to tears. "Come here. We can go to our dorm for a while, okay?" He nodded and I took his hand in mine before I pulled him away from the crowd and down to the forest range house. We got into our dorm and we sat down on the unmade bed. We had thrown everything in the laundry as we would go home to our parents later that day.

"Can you please hold me?" Wille said with a begging tone. His puppy eyes were reason enough not to resist his request.

"Of course," I replied and wrapped my arms around him. "Do you want to talk about what is happening?" Sometimes he just needed someone to listen. He was overwhelmed and I just wanted to help.

"I don't want to go home, Simon," Wille said. He was crying now. Sobbing. Trembling. I dried his tears with my fingers.

"Why not?" I asked him.

"Because I will miss you, silly," he replied.

"I won't disappear from earth over the summer vacation," I said. That made him chuckle. I grinned. I knew I would miss him though. I would. We had gotten used to sleeping together. Sleeping alone would be hard. I knew that already. And just not being together all the time would be a change. Maybe we needed to get to long for each other as well.

" I know," he said. "But I won't be able to kiss you and hold you whenever I want to for months." He had prince duties, as usual. I also had work over the summer, but I actually chose it. He was literally born into his job.

"Well you can kiss me now," I flirted. We both grinned at each other. The gap between our faces became smaller and smaller, until it no longer existed anymore. Our lips and our bodies moved in sync against each other. We had done it thousands of times before, but it always made me feel warm inside. I always wanted him more. I got him down on his back and climbed over him. We both stopped for a moment to just take it in completely. He was so pretty. Beautiful. We both smiled big at each other and he pulled my face closer to kiss me again.


"Where have you guys been?" Felice asked when Wille and I finally went out to continue the celebration of the graduating students.

"Do we even want to know?" Stella commented. That made the girls laugh. Wille and I looked at each other. I held his hand. We both grinned.

"Know what?" Erik asked, as he came up to us. He had been taking graduation photos with August. He was their second cousin, so for appearances he had to. I knew he did not like August. The one who fucked with his little brother automatically became an enemy of Erik too.

"Your brother and his boyfriend disappeared for a while, your highness," Fredrika replied and smiled politely towards Erik.

"You can call me Erik. I understand you are friends of my pretty little brother and Simon," he replied. He smiled. He was what Wille would call "prince Erik''. Erik wore the professional mask of the crown prince effortlessly. In private he was goofier and more personal.

"You could say so. I am Fredrika and this is my girlfriend Stella," Fredrika replied. Erik greeted them both and smiled. He then greeted Felice. Sara received a hug, which she was not prepared for as she acted a bit weird. Sara

"Have you survived our little brothers during the semester?" Erik asked Sara. "Or have they been getting on your nerves?" Sara laughed.

"They are like they usually are. And you know how that is," Sara replied.

"Yeah. Looking into each other's eyes and snogging each other all the time," Erik said. Wille looked at his older brother and I could tell that he was getting a bit annoyed.

"We don't always look into each other's eyes and snog all the time," Wille told his brother. That made us all laugh. Then I saw a little grin on his lips too.

"That is basically what we do, baby," I said to Wille.

"Simon at least has some self awareness," Sara said laughing. Wille laughed.

"Not my fault he has pretty eyes," Wille defended himself. Sara looked a bit disgusted as I pulled Wille closer to me and kissed him a little.

"Make sure you don't end up in the next copy of Swedish lady magazine, boys," Sara said and laughed. There were of course some journalists and photographers there to take photos of the new Hillerska graduates. I guessed they would not mind catching Wille kissing me too.

"Sara actually has a point," Erik said and gave us a look. He grinned.

"Well they already know I am in love with him, so does it really matter?" Wille asked.

"Well I know someone who will complain about photos in the magazines tomorrow," Erik teased. "But I won't stop you from making out with Simon in front of everyone if that is what you want." Wille pulled his tongue out to Erik and he laughed. So did Wille when he realised how childish he was behaving. 

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