"And please, stop calling me Onii-chan. Let's have a chat before I leave; I'm running late," said Lucian as he separated from the slime player and glanced at her profile. He assumed she was female based on her voice, which had a cute, loli-like quality that seemed to appeal to Lucian's preferences. He felt a bit flustered but concealed it well.





Level - 36

HP - 34

MP - 10

"Oh, are you a newbie?" Lucian inquired as he examined the player's profile.

"Yes, Handsome Onii-chan!"

"Could you please stop with that Onii-chan? You're making me embarrassed," Lucian responded with genuine emotion. He rarely blushed, but the combination of the cute voice and endearing term was getting to him.

"Heh? Why not, your reaction is making me want to tease you more, Onii-chan," said the slime as it giggled and continued to call Lucian "Onii-chan," furthering his embarrassment. Despite not having any siblings and secretly longing for one, he couldn't help but find enjoyment in her words.

"Alright, let's stop it. I'm running late," Lucian said, putting an end to the teasing.

"Hehehehe... You're really cute," giggled Bukubukchagama as she continued, "Do you want to party up?"

"If you agree, I can keep calling you Onii-chan. You seem to enjoy it," Bukubukchagama suggested, her formless eyes fixed on Lucian.

"Ah, no, I can't party up with anyone right now. Perhaps another day," Lucian replied, distancing himself slightly from Bukubukchagama.

"Hey! At least add me to your friends list, Onii-chan?" Bukubukchagama implored, ending her request with the usual 'Onii-Chan'.

Unable to resist the character, Lucian agreed and added her to his friends list.

"Hey, can we party up later to maybe do some quests?" Bukubukchagama asked in a normal voice, which was a pleasant surprise for Lucian. It left him wondering why she had been using her loli-like voice earlier.

"Yeah, sure. I'm currently signing up for the World Tournament, so we can definitely meet up at a later date to play some campaign together," Lucian replied, adding a smiling emoticon to his words.

He found this person quite pleasant, which was a rarity for him. Other players he appreciated included Touch Me and a few of his friends, like Momonga and the Ancient One.

"Thank you! I suppose I'll have to level up before that!" she responded in her usual cute voice, seemingly reluctant to use her normal one.

"Why don't you use your normal voice?" Lucian asked, curious because she seemed to switch between her normal voice and her loli-like voice.

"Heh, I wonder what you mean, Onii-chan?" she responded with another question in her usual cute loli-like voice.

"I mean, your normal voice sounds pleasant already. I don't think it's necessary to always use your loli-like voice," Lucian said.

"W-what?!" For the second time, Bukubukuchagama broke her character, her voice sounding a bit flustered.

"What are you saying, Baka!" Bukubukuchagama exclaimed in her normal voice, though it seemed to mix between her normal tone and the loli-like one.

"Eh?" Lucian felt momentarily confused, but soon, Bukubukuchagama calmed down and returned to her normal persona as if the previous exchange had never occurred.

"Anyway, here. You can use this," Lucian said, looking at Bukubukuchagama before handing her a card-like object, placing it in her slimy hands.

"What's this?" she asked, her confusion evident as she hadn't seen an item like this before.

"It's a cash shop item. It doubles the experience you receive for 12 hours," Lucian explained, displaying the item's interface and description to her.

"What! That's too expensive! I can't accept it," Bukubukuchagama quickly declined, switching to her normal voice. She immediately handed the card back to Lucian, with a hand materializing from the slime to do so.

"I have a lot of these EXP × 2 Cards. I bought them in bulk, around 500 when I was leveling up. But I never got to use all of them. You can take 50 of them; I'm sure it'll be enough for leveling up," Lucian said, displaying the considerable number of experience boost cards he possessed.

"Ugh! What the heck is wrong with you! This is irresponsible! How can you spend so much money on something like this? Each of these cards costs over 2000 yen, which means buying 500 of them will equal 1 million! That's... That's 2 months of my entire salary! How incredibly irresponsible can you be? Couldn't you just buy as many as you needed? Why did you have to buy so many of them? Are you an idiot?!" Bukubukuchagama started ranting and shouting in her normal voice, her tone filled with anger and frustration. She spoke as if addressing someone she was familiar with, her blob-like avatar moving and jumping as if to convey her anger.

"Uhmm... Sorry?" Lucian replied, unsure of how he had ended up in this situation. He had expected a thanks but found himself receiving a lecture instead. Bukubukuchagama's scolding reminded him of his own maid, bringing a sense of déjà vu.

Lucian sighed, silently listening to the rants of his new 'friend.'


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