Chapter 33

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Arthur POV:

"But don't mistake. This training will not be a vacation for you. This training will make every other training you did look like child's play." He said as he looked back down to Sylvie.

'Didn't I heard that before?'

"How will you know when the war will be approaching? How much time do we even have?" There were way too many uncertainties for me to be able to comfortably train.

"That is for me to worry about. Focus on your training and I will notify Windsom when it is time for you to go back to your homeland. That is all," Lord Indrath replied, signaling to Windsom to take me away.

"Wait, what about Sylvie?"

"She will stay with me until her training is over," he said matter-of-factly.

"What? How long will that take? I won't be able to see her until then?"

Lord Indrath's brow twitched impatiently as he simply shooed us away with his hand. Before I could respond, Windsom squeezed my arm tightly, dragging me out of the great hall.

After passing the two guards I angrily shook my hand out of Windsom's grasp. "What was even the point of that meeting? I went in there to have Sylvie snatched away and be looked down on by all of the Indrath Clan? That was humiliating!"

Windsom's lips curled into a faint smile. "Come, there are some people I want you to meet."

We walked for around an hour, until we reached a cave in the forest. As we walked further into it, a blue shimmer could be seen. As we reached the end of the cave, there was a little pond with a shining blue liquid in it.

"Why did it take you so long to come here, Windsom?" In the middle of the pond stood a rather tall asura. Looks like he is from the Thyestes Clan. He has four hazel eyes, but they looked rather plain.

But he also looks familiar. Maybe he was in one of grandmas memories.

"This kid here took longer to say his goodbyes to his family. Arthur, this is Kordri. He is one of the ausras who will be training you." Windsom said to him.

As Windsom finished talking Kodri looked at me for the first time. As he sensed my core, he looked a little bit surprised, but only for a split second.

"I must say, I was told that you were rather talented for a lesser. But I didn't think you would already be at white core." He told me as his arms were behind his back.

'I don't know why, but being called a lesser often in a short time is irritating'

"I am sure that this isn't really surprising, considering that I am not really a lesser." I said bluntly.

As I said that, Kodri looked confused at Winsdom. Winsdom sighed and said "He isn't a lesser anymore. When he met Lady Sylvia, she gave him her body. Technically, he is an Asura. But Lord Indrath thinks he will only be a completely Asura if he gets to Integration Stage."

Kodri smirked. "These are wonderful news. I think I can teach you more than I expected."

I don't know why, but I get chills down my spine.

Windsom started to explain. "Kordi will train you in close combat. I have already seen some of your move. They looked very good for someone who has gotten train by lesser. But you need more moves and you need to perfect yours if you want to win the upcoming war."

Before he continued, he pulled a purple orb out of his robe that looked ancient. Probably something they stole from the ancient mages. "This here is an aether orb. You will enter it together with Kodri and he will fight you head on. You don't have to worry about injuries. Only your mental state will be in there. But I have to warn you. You will die a lot of times. This will harm your mental health."

Before I could ask a question, the glowing sapphire liquid rose up around me and Kodri. The next moment we were standing on grass. It looks like the grass is endless in every direction.

"In the first phase of our training, you can only dodge and block my attacks. Don't try to fight back. Only focus on blocking and dodging." Kordi suddenly said. He suddenly vanished and I also couldn't feel his aura. He reappeared in front of me and aim his fist straight at my head. Before he could hit me, I used Burst Step to get some distance between us.

'I am sure this wasn't some special technique. It was his speed. And this was probably not his top speed.'

He looked at me a little bit surprised. But then he got serious again and vanished again. I got in defensive stance and waited for him. This time he was a faster and aimed his fist at my ribs. I pushed his fist away and it didn't connect to my ribs. Suddenly I felt something coming at my head and I could only put my right arm in front of it.

As his fist connected with my arm. I slid a few feet back and my arm was hanging down my side. My shoulder is dislocated and a few bones were broken in my arm.

I didn't have time to think about my injuries. Kodri came at me faster again. This time, he aimed a kick at my hips and I burst stepped away, but as I landed somewhere else, he was right besides me again and hit me in my ribs.

I lost my balance and rolled back a few feet. While I rolled, I burst stepped and was on my feet again.

I suddenly felt something coming from behind and I went to block it. But there wasn't anything and I suddenly felt a fist connect with my back and it came through my chest.

Windsom had told me that the pain felt in this domain was greatly diminished. If that was truly the case, how much more agonizing would these wounds be if It actually happened to me?

The one responsible for my current mortal injuries approached me with a mixed expression, giving me a terse nod as he snapped his fingers. "Enough," he said as the world faded into black. And, like that, I was awake again with all of my limbs attached and unbroken.

I immediately crumpled to all fours and hurled the remainder of my last meal as I heaved for breath. My vomit immediately dissipated in the small sapphire pond I had been meditating in. I wasn't sure if I was wet because of the magical liquid that I was surrounded in or because of the profuse amount of sweat and grime that I had discharged from the stress.

"No, let me continue," I managed to choke out in between gasps.

"The human boy has admirable willpower. How much time has passed, Windsom?" the same deep and controlled voice as the one that had broken most of the 206 bones in my body asked calmly.

"24 seconds have passed out here," Windsom said tersely.

"So roughly 5 minutes have passed inside. Not bad for the first time." The lean man with a shaved head remarked in a way that was neither disappointed nor proud, just matter-of-factly. I regarded the two asuras' conversation with a weary curiosity while wiping vomit off of my lips.

Suddenly Kodri asked me something. "Arthur, where did you learn the technique you used in our fight?"

"You mean Burst Step? I learned it while Sylvia was training me. I thought about it, that I could move faster if I improve my muscle fibres with mana and it worked really well." I told him.

"Coming up with a theory like that is brilliant, but getting it done is on a whole other level. I am most asura couldn't even learn this technique. But you can be lucky that you have an asuran body. With a normal lessern body, you would destroy your legs." He told me.

"Let us try again." I told him.

The shaved-headed asura nodded approvingly and sat down facing me in the exact same position as I was in and traded glances with Windsom, signaling him to start.

Once again, the glowing sapphire liquid rose up around us and enveloped the asura in front of me and myself. I was soon engulfed in the familiar scorching sensation that had overwhelmed me the last few dozen times we did this, and again, my vision had darkened as I waited anxiously for myself and the asura to reappear in the hell that is the mental training facility where I had just been killed.

*Hope you liked the chapter! Sorry that it wasn't as long as usually*

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