Chapter 11

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 Arthur POV:

The next few hours were harder than I expected. The moment my mother heard of the idea about me becoming an adventurer, she yelled at me nonstop. She told me that it would be a stupid idea and that I would get myself killed in the beast glades.

After a few hours she calmed down and I could finally negotiate with my parents. I could become an adventurer after my 7th birthday. Also I need to come back at least every two months and I need a guard with me all the time, probably someone from the Twin Horns.

"About the Twin Horns, do they know that I am still alive?" I asked my parents

My dad answered me, "No, we haven't told them yet. I think they should come visit us soon. If there aren't any complications, they will be here in around one month." With that we finished our discussion and went to dinner.

*One month time skip*

Today is the day the Twin Horns are coming to visit. I can't wait to meet them all again and to see their reactions.

Right now I am going to uncle Vincent's office. After a few moments he opened the door and let me in. I asked him for a sword, cloak and a voice altering mask. He would bring the last two things as soon as possible, but he told me that I can pick a sword from the vault of his auction house. It didn't sit well with me that I get so much from him and that I don't even give him something back.

"I had been meaning to start teaching my baby sister in mana manipulation soon. It wouldn't be too much trouble to include Lilia in these lessons. I noticed that both you and Lady Tabitha are not mages so it might be impossible for her to awaken by herself, but if we start now, I think she'd be able to awaken around the average age," I said.

My statement was met with silence. I looked up to see Vincent drop the stack of papers had been fumbling with nervously. His face was frozen in place as I could hear his heart beating faster.

"C-can I truly believe what you just said? Can you really allow my daughter to become a m-mage?" He asked after a seemingly long moment of silence.

"Sure. It'll be a long process but it's definitely possible. Er... I will have to ask you to keep the lessons on a low profile though. I would hate to be bombarded with doting parents asking to make their children into mages," I just chuckled, trying to lighten up the tension.

He nodded furiously after failing to form a coherent sentence..

"Sincerely... there would be no greater happiness than seeing my daughter become a mage," he managed to stammer out, tears on the verge falling down.

"Great! Then I'll leave the items we discussed to you! Now, allow me to excuse myself out. Sorry for intruding in on your work."

I walked myself out of the room, picking up the sleeping Sylvie from my lap.

I'm glad that worked out well.


It is 3pm and I sat together with my dad in the living room as we heard a loud knock at the door. I looked to my dad and he nodded to me as he stood up and went to the door. In the meantime, I went into the garden to surprise the Twin Horns.

After a few minutes the Twin Horns were sitting in the living room together with my family and were telling about their last journey. I thought it would be a good moment to surprise them. So, I went into the living room and said, "Care to share more about your journeys?"

As I said that the Twin Horns turned around and looked towards me. It took them a few moments to realize who I am and they looked to my parents for confirmation. My father and mother laughed and nodded. The Twin Horns widen their eyes and their heads instantly went into my direction. All of them jumped up and ran to me.

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