Chapter 26

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Arthur POV:

Right now, I am flying on Sylvie above the cloud of the beast glades, thinking about my next moves.

My class should be already back at the academy. If I am right, the Alacryans will strike in two weeks. I need to strike them first, if I want to prevent many deaths. When I come back to the academy, I will spend most of my nights trying to find their hideout. But there are not many leads. I only have a few ideas who maybe is a traitor.

The person I am most suspicious about is Kai. The moment when he saw the runes on the dead bodies of the students, his normally mockingly smile disappeared and he had a shocked face for just a moment. I think he didn’t expect me to take care of them so easily.

The moment I find their hideout, I will strike at them as soon as possible.

Before that, I will inform
gramps about it that he can prepare the council. I also hope that Lord Indrath is really keeping his side of the deal. But I don’t think he will risk his granddaughter to get brought to Agrona.

I am really curious how long I am going to train with the asura. From grandma’s memories, I am pretty sure that Lord Indrath is not going to train me my himself. But that would have been pretty
awesome. Even if he killed all of the Ancient Mages, he would have been a great mentor. Still, having another Asura train me is also awesome.

My thoughts got interrupted, when I could see Xyrus City in the distance. With that, Sylvie transformed into her fox form and I flew us to a safe location, where no one could see us. The rest of
the way to the portal, I ran.

As I approached the portal, I skipped the line and went to the front. Most of the people didn’t mind, but a few arrogant adventurers looked at me annoyed.

“Don’t cut the line, kid. There are other people waiting in line too. “ Said one of the guards stationed there. Because I didn’t want to wait long, I pulled the coin with the royal family symbol of the elves
out and showed him. Because he is human, he didn’t know what the meaning of this is.

“Don’t try to give me your shit, kid. Get back in the line.” He told me annoyed and tossed the coin back to me.

I am already annoyed, but this guy gets on my nerves. I looked to his left and saw a elven guard looking at our direction. Walking towards her I showed her the coin and her eyes widened.

“You can go through, sir. Have a nice trip” she said to me with respect.

I let out a sigh of relief. At least one person here has brain. But some idiot adventurer thought it was a good idea to annoy me even more.

“Wait here, kid” He yelled at me and he put his hand on my shoulder. “Just because you are noble doesn’t it mean you can do as you like! Get back in line, brat!" He yelled at me. He was rather tall and had big muscles. He also was bald and had a burn mark across his face.

Normally I am not someone who looses his cool fast. But today was already rather stressing and I don’t want to get hold back by someone like him. I looked back at him and blue flames erupted out
of my body.

Because he wasn’t fast enough, my flames touched his hand and he started to scream in pain.

I pulled back my flames and looked down on him. The burn mark on his face now isn’t his only one.

Before I spoke, I let out a potion of my killing intent. Not too much that somebody here passes out, but enough that a few collapse to their feet.

“Let this be a lesson. Before you rush things, you should know who you are yelling at.” I told him with mana in my voice. Before he could answer, I walked through the gate and finally arrived in Xyrus City.

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