Chapter 14

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Arthur POV:

Its already evening, so before Jasmin and I go back home, we sleep one night in the beast glades. Its the first time coming home again and Jasmin told me that the Twin Horns will also be there. We reached home around 10am.

When we knocked at the door, the old main maid was the one to let us in. She lead us to the garden, where my family, the helstea family and the Twin Horns were chatting.

Adam was telling something about their last dungeon dive. With a wave of my hand I used sound magic and suddenly, even though Adam was moving his lips, no sound came out. Everyone looked confused at Adam and after a few moments they looked towards our direction.

Mom, dad and Ellie were the first one to jump up and run towards me. Mom and dad hugged while Ellie took Sylvie of the floor and hugged her.

When mom and dad let go off me, I saw how the Twin Horns were going in our direction. I could see how Angela wanted to make her signature hug, but this time I dodged her. Everyone laughed but then Jasmin said something that surprised everyone.

"Sorry Angela, but you can't do thar anymore to Art. If you do this his girlfriend could get mad."

Everyone's jaw dropped on the floor after that statement. The one who hit it the most was Adam. Looking to my father, I saw confusion in his eyes. Suddenly I felt a aura next to me. I looked towards mom and I could see the smile she gives my father when he swears in front of Ellie.

"What does Jasmin mean with 'girlfriend', Art?" My mom asked me.

I gulped and knew I am fucked up if I don't explain it to her. Every time my dad got scolded from my mom I laughed at him, but now that I know how it feels, I will never do it again. Answering her, I said, "You got it wrong, mom. The person Jasmin talked about is Aya Grephin. She is one of our teammates of the raid team we joined."

Suddenly dad said, "Wait! You mean Aya Grephin the S-Rank adventurer? I knew you had my flirting skills, but to pull such a famous person is something even I could not archive."

I chuckled a little bit but mom looked like she wasn't finished. "Raid team? You mean the team that clears S-Rank and SS-Rank dungeons? I can't remember giving you permission for that."

'If she knew that I clear dungeons on my own at night...'

Luckily Jasmin responded to mom. "Alice, I know that you are worried, but it is not like Art goes into high ranking dungeons on his own. We are a team of 8, where everyone except me is at least AA-Rank. And we only do raids once in two months. And we also have an AA-Rank Emitter with us."

After her statement mom let out a sigh. "Fine. As long as you don't get hurt. But next time before you make such a decision, tell me about it!"

Everyone started to go back to the table again. Adam was still looking down on the floor. Suddenly, he asked, "Why did everyone dropped the topic with Arthur's so called 'girlfriend'?! Don't you guys also want to know more about it?"

'That damn idiot. I hoped that my explanation was enough, bot no.'

My dad was the one to continue. "I am also curios, Art. I already understand that she only is your teammate, but why did Jasmin joked about her being your girlfriend?"

"Jasmin jokes about it because Aya teases and flirts a lot with me. But she does that with most people. She is a little interested in me, because nobody knows anything about my private life and because I also got into AA-Rank right at the start. But girlfriend? I only worked with her for one time yet and she is also 10 years older than me."

With that explanation everyone dropped the topic. Jasmin and I told everyone what we did in the last two months. Dad was most interested in the fight against the Sea Guardian.

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