Chapter 25

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Arthur POV:

"Class, make sure to not let any of the minion snarlers get in my way. I'll handle the two queens. I don't know what's going on but I'm getting you guys out of here if it's the last thing I do." With a click of her tongue, she pulled something from around her neck and threw it on the ground. As the necklace shimmered and then turned grey, the mana fluctuating around Professor Glory changed.

She was using a seal!

"Prepare to back up Professor Glory! Don't let any of the snarlers get past us!" Tess commanded as she held her bladed staff out in front of her.

"Aye! Vanguards, protect the conjurers!" Curtis stepped up, brandishing his sword and shield.

I took a step forward too, gripping my sword with both hands. There were ten of us in the front as Lucas, Tess and three other girls started chanting spells. My eyes couldn't help but focus on Professor Glory as she wielded two giant swords, one in each hand. Fire and what looked like sand rapidly circled around her two swords as Professor Glory chanted inaudibly.

The fire and sand began intertwining as the two queen snarlers, both a few times larger and nastier, with wings, began cautiously surrounding Professor Glory. The queen snarlers' front two limbs had four long, sharp claws that glistened in a coating that I assumed was poison.

"HAAAHP!" Professor Glory, her two giant swords ablaze with fire and sand, charged towards the smaller queen snarler, beginning the battle.

I held back on using spells, choosing to simply hack and slash my way against the snarlers by augmenting my sword. Their thick coat offered them a little resistance against spells and attacks but it didn't take much to kill them. What became more of a problem was the corpses of the snarlers. Their dead bodies began piling more and more around us, getting in the way of our attacks. Looking around, I was relieved to see that the vanguards were still holding up. Both Curtis and Claire had minor scratches and bruises, but they were in much better shape compared to the other students.

I took a glance back and what I saw caught me by surprise. Professor Glory was pushing the queens, who were estimated to be on the upper spectrum of B-class bosses, back, by herself. What surprised me more was the way she did it. She was obviously a dual elemental augmenter in earth and fire, but she was producing projectiles that looked like ice shards...

No... looking carefully, it wasn't ice. It was glass!

A small scratch on my arm brought my attention back to the fight in front of me but my mind couldn't ponder how Professor Glory was able to do that. I knew about superheating sand but in order to produce that amount of heat while still battling...

"KRRAAAAAAAHHHH!" The ear-deafening cry made us turn our heads back. Professor Glory just managed to land the finishing blow on the smaller queen. Our Professor wasn't in the best of shape, her armor scratched and dented in various places while blood trickled down her cheeks.

"All right!"


"Go Professor!"

The defeat of one of the queens dramatically boosted the morale of the class as each of the students' renewed vigor allowed us to fight back harder against the snarlers that seemed to generate spontaneously.


Upon seconds of hearing a loud crash, Professor Glory flew past the front line and landed hard against a wave of minion snarlers.

Allowing myself a few seconds to look back, a wave of nausea hit me as my eyes glued onto the sight of the bigger queen snarler, gorging on the corpse of the fallen queen.

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