Chapter 6

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Arthur POV:

In the middle of the night, I woke up completely covered in sweat. The reason for that was as always, a nightmare. Since coming to this world, the only times I get a nightmare was when I stress myself too much or if I am too nervous for incoming events.

But this dream was different then the others. The normal nightmares were always the same: Me coming to the orphan I grew up and see how my mother figure get carried away dead.

This dream was different. Infront of me was a battlefield. Everywhere were corpses. The only person standing was a man completely covered in black golden armor expect his head. This was not a random man... This person looks like me but older.

He turned in my direction and I could already see a different between me and this man. This person was not me, but King Grey. The reason I could see it was the sadness and hatred  in his eyes.

Even though this was only a dream, I still get shivers from it. I swore I would never go back to my old ways and I will never do that. In this world I have people that love me and I also love them. This time I have people to protect and not to revenge.

*Little time skip*

It is around 6am in the morning. Virion and I are sitting on the grass of the training ground opposite to each other. He told me how the assimilation works. In the first part of the training, I should release my mana into every part of my body instead of my mana channels.

I closed my eyes and concentrated on my mana core. Thanks to my meditation last night my core is now at dark orange. I investigated my core and saw how the mana is waiting to be released. After taking a deep breath I pictured my body around my mana core and let all mana out of my core. Gramps told me it would be a hard and long progress until I could put mana in every corner of my body.

But to my surprise I can put mana everywhere in my body where I want. I opened my eyes again and saw Virion sitting in front of me with wide eyes. It took him some time that he realized that I was staring back at him.

"Brat, this progress should take at least 2 months until it works! How could you do it by only meditating for a few minutes?!" Virion was already standing and went to my direction. The only thing I could see in his eyes was curiosity.

The only thoughts in my head were if I should tell him everything or just a little bit of the truth. Even though I only know him for a few days, I already know that he can be trusted. But for the meantime a little bit of the truth would be enough and necessary, so that he trusts me.

With a little bit hesitation, I told him "After I got the will my body changed. Natural my hair is only auburn brown and my eyes were only azure. The other colours were the colours of the beast."

I could see his eyes getting even wider and how the gears in his head were working and after a few moments of silent, he answered, "Even though I would love to know which beast gave you it's will, you don't have to tell me now. You can tell me when you are ready and when you have enough trust in me. But I never heard of a beast will that change the body of a mage." Before Virion continued, he sat down on the grass again and looked straight in my eyes.

"You don't have to worry about your secret. It is safe with me. But with this new information the first phase of your training is unnecessary. We directly go to the next part of the training. Duelling."

Before I could ask a question, he raised his hand to show me he will explain everything. "Normally after the first phase of the training, there would only be one step left to make you a beast tamer. But because you finished the first phase so early and your body is different than the body of normal humans, I don't want to risk finishing your training. For example, if your body is not completely ready, it could be destroyed." With that I widened my eyes, but I let gramps continue.

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