Chapter 15

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Arthur POV:

It's been four and a half year since my first raid with the team. We did every two months one raid. The raid team has now also a tradition that we eat all together at least once a year. But they still don't know my identity. The two persons I got the closest are Aya and Barion. Barion is a genius when it comes to fighting and strategy. He still can't compare to me when it comes to strategy, but unlike me he was never a king. Every time we do a raid Barion, Aya and me tell each other what dungeons we cleared since the last time. Aya sometimes tries to make me to get a drink with her as a joke, but thankfully Jasmin interrupts her every time.

Because I never refined my mana core, I didn't progress that much in the last 4 years. Right now, I am at the mid silver stage with cracks. Before I end my career, I should be at high silver stage. Last year I also became a S-Rank adventurer.

Jasmin also progressed a lot. After one and a half year she became an AA-Rank adventurer, and she is now at the initial silver stage. I also helped her with her swordsmanship and her wind magic. Like my dad always said, she really is a prodigy.

One and a half year ago, Sylvie showed me her dragon form. Even if it is still not as majestic as Sylvia's, for a baby dragon it is great. Now when I talk with her through our bond, she finally can form full sentences. Even if she isn't my biology daughter, I now understand why mom and dad were so happy when I said my first word.

Only one month and my career as Note will end. I will then spend two months with my family and after that I will become a student of Xyrus Academy. But it doesn't mean I will not prepare for war. Before I enrol in the academy, I will visit the director and interrogate her why she is a spy. But honestly, I don't think she wants to harm this continent. It wouldn't make sense for her to be a director then. But maybe if she is on my side, she can help me with getting rid of the other spies.

At the moment, I am sitting in front of an S-Rank boss chamber. I am writing a notebook about the different S-Rank and SS-Rank mana beasts that I fought in the last few years. One thing that disturbed me is that there was no book about every high-ranking mana beast. Most of my fights I need to rely on rumours. Some were false and most of them where half right. In the future I will publish it before the war. So, if Agrona will use these corrupted beasts, the mages will know what to do against them.

I was so concentrated on writing, that I didn't even realize that someone was behind me. "What are you doing here, Note?" The person asked me. I flinched a little out of surprise and turned around to see Aya standing behind me.

Without thinking I said the first thing that came to my mind. "I went on a late-night walk and when I passed by this dungeon, I felt a lot of mana in it. And what are you doing here, Aya?"

It looked like she believed in my lie. She answered me, "You already know that I work close with the royal family. They told me to investigate in this dungeon, because it is rather close to the border of the elven kingdom. But since it is the two of us, do you want to try to clear this dungeon?"

'Rather strange. I think this is the first conversation between us where she wouldn't start with a flirt. Maybe because it is already passed midnight and because she is on duty. And she is also on the high silver stage. She will definitely will be a help against the boss.'

Standing up, I put the notebook in my dimensional ring. While walking towards the boss chamber door, I answered, "If you want you can go in with me. I was already planning on fighting."

We walked into the boss chamber and it was a completely made out of black stone. The only thing that is eye catching is the massive fire wall at the other end of the chamber.

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