Chapter 22

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The first one with the stone face started to dash towards me. I brought Dawn’s Ballad out of my Dimensional Ring and coated it with wind. He swung his fist at me, but I blocked it with my sword.

I burst stepped behind him and hit his neck with my sword. I made my sword blunt, so that he is only knocked out, not dead.

The other two were rather surprised that I finished him so quickly. But they still attacked me at the same time. I conjured a sword out of wind and blocked both of their attack at the same time. Wanting to end it quickly, I conjured two stone behind them and launched them at their heads.

When all three of them were knocked out, I activated Static Void and brought them in front of the director’s office. I knocked at the door and after I heard a ‘Come in’ I opened the door. In the office were Virion and Cynthia.

“Director, we have a new problem.” I said while dragging all three of them into the office. Sylvie went to the couch and took a nap.

“Arthur, what happened?” Virion was the one to ask me. I didn’t want to reveal everything to him so soon, but I think now is the right moment.

“Virion, Cynthia, what I am about to say needs to stay in this room. You can’t even say something to Alduin or Merial.” I warned them and then continued. “Alacrya is making a move again.”

With that Cynthia’s eyes widened and Virion was shocked. “What do you mean again? We only know about them for a few months.” He asked me.

“But they knew about us a few years minimum. They send some troops into the beast glades to manipulate the high-ranking beasts. Why do you think I went adventuring? In the night, I went into high-ranking dungeons and cleared them. Some of them also had Alacrya camps. I always killed everyone and interrogate the one in charge. With that I found out pretty much about Alacrya?” As I finished his eyes widened even more. I can’t blame him. The high ranking dungeons are even dangerous for the lances.

“Did you know about it, Cynthia?” He asked Cynthia.

“She did. I told her one week before I entered Xyrus Academy. One more surprise, she is also an Alacrya.” With that, his eyes widened and his aura turned dark.

I didn’t want a fight to break out here, so I said. “Don’t worry, gramps. She is on our side. She opened up this school to prepare us for the coming war. She also can’t give us information about Alacrya because of a curse that would kill her.” As I finished, his aura disappeared and he sat on the couch next to Sylvie.

I pulled the books with information about Alacrya out of my Dimensional Ring and placed them on the table in front of them. “Before you read it, let’s discuss the new threat.” I said and then walked towards the three knocked out students. I pulled one forwards and ripped the back of his shirt open. On his spine were runes of Alacrya. But they aren’t like the ones I seen before at the mages I killed.

Virion walked towards me and asked “What are these?” He pointed to the runes.

“They are runes that the Alacryas use to give mages a specific spell. But these are different than from the ones I killed” I said. He looked at me sadly. He thinks of me like I am his own grandchild. And hearing a twelve years old already killed many people is disturbing.

I ripped open the other two shirts and saw that the runes are the same. I thought about it a few minutes until a idea came to my mind. I activated Realmheart. The world lost its color again and I concentrated on their mana flow. The runes didn’t only pulled mana out of their core, but from everywhere out of their body.

“They are dying right now. These runes give them a big mana boost, but it also drains their life force. The runes suck up everything it can use to produce mana until they die” I said sadly. Virion’s and Cynthia’s eyes widened at the statement.

“Virion, bring this information to the council. Don’t tell them I was the one who told you about the meaning of the runes. I will make better patrol routes for the dc around the campus all the time. Tell the lances they also should look more carefully at the borders of the school. Next week, everyone is at home. Place one lance in the campus, so they can see if something happens.” I said while writing some things in my personal book.

“I will make it happen. What are you doing in the one-week vacation?” He asked me.

“My dad’s Hellhound egg should hatch in a few days. I will help him to train it. While I am at it, I will think about a plan to find the Alacrays responsible for that.” I said to him while putting my book back into my dimensional ring.

*I know Hellhound don’t lay eggs, but it is easier to write*

“You should prepare the council, Virion. I am not sure, but I think they will try to launch an attack at the academy as a start signal for the war.” I said while picking up Sylvie and putting the books into my dimensional ring. I said my goodbyes to them and left to my room.

Eljiah was already waiting for me there. We both walked out of the campus towards a carriage which was waiting for us. Around 20 minutes went by until we were home.

Ellie was sitting on the stairs waiting for us. When she saw us, she yelled “Brother!” and jumped towards me. I caught her and hugged her.

We walked in and mom, Tabitha and Lilla were in the living room. Looks like Vincent and dad are still working. We talked for around two hours and then we went to sleep.

On the weekend we didn’t do much. I trained El und Lilla. I also thought about some ideas how to deal with the Alacryas at the school. Most of the ideas were too reckless and only one idea was an option. But if it works well, it could place me in the spotlight with the council.

In three weeks will be the trip to the dungeon “Widows Crypt”. I am pretty sure they will make their move soon afterwards. One week after the trip is Aurora Constellate. I am 100% sure they will make their move to this time, so whole Xyrus City can see the attack. But I will make mine sooner. It has been not even a year since the last time I slaughtered some Alacryas.

Today was Monday and me, mom, El and Tabitha were going shopping. I shouldn't have said yes. We left home at 9am and it is already 1pm and we still haven't finished.

I lost count of the many places we visited after the umpteenth store but I didn’t dare show my displeasure in front of the girls. While browsing through the stores, I realized how ignorant I was. The fact that the only time I’d visited the shops was a bit after I was first reborn into this world, struck me; this, coupled with the fact that I had no noteworthy equipment besides my sword, made me contemplate getting new equipment. I still remembered the time when I was slung on Mother’s back and got to see all of the small tents filled with merchandise back up in the tiny town of Ashber.

“Aunt Helstea, are there stores where they sell something that can help me train faster?” I asked while we headed inside a store that exclusively sold scarves.

“Hmm? You mean elixirs? Of course.” Tabitha gave me a confused look as if I had asked some sort of trick question.

I’d never used the elixirs here, but if they were anything like the drugs some practitioners used in my old world, then I didn’t want to go anywhere near them.

“There’s actually a small elixir and medicine shop around the corner if you want to go take a look while we shop for some scarves…”

That was all I needed to hear before strategically bolting out the store.

“Thank you! I’ll meet you in front of the store!” I shouted while running out with Sylive on my shoulder after carefully dropping the bags I was assigned to carry.

*The same happened as in the Light Novel. Arthur got two elixir for him and Sylvie. We skip to the point when Arthur left the shop*

When I left the shop, the black cat was now on the Roof of the shop. This isn’t an ordinary cat. I get the same feeling from it as Sylvia. I smirked and placed a sound and an illusion barrier around us.

“Looks like Lord Indrath already sent his messenger.” I said while looking at the cat. The cat looked at the barrier, probably to confirm if it is safe, and then transformed to a rather tall man with platinum hair and the same eyes as the cat.

“How did you know, lesser?” He said while letting out a little bit of his aura. I don’t want to know what his aura is like when he let it out without restriction.

“Grandma Sylvia told me that someone will look for me and Sylvie in the future. But I didn’t expect it to happen so soon.” I told him casually.

“Then I expect she also told you about the Vritra and the other Asura?” He asked me while withdrawing his aura and I nodded. “I will introduce myself. To my friends I am known as Winsdom. For you, it is Lord Winsdom.”

I said “About the Vritra, I knew about them for about 7 to 8 years now. Grandma saved me and sacrificed herself so that I can get away from one Vritra. I think there are also two more things I should tell you.” I made a pause and I could see he looked at me with a blank face.

“I think you already could sense it, but I have her will. It isn’t the only thing I have from her. She used a high-level aether spell to give me her body.” His eyes widened as I said that. “I don’t think I am completely like an asura, but I am pretty sure I am nearer to be an asura than the Vritra half-bloods.” I said and made a pause so he could progress it.

“You said you wanted to tell me two things. What is the second one?” He asked me after a few moments of silence.

“Grandma Sylvia told me one of Agrona’s plans. One of his oldest plans was to corrupt high ranking mana beasts in the Beast Glades to use them against us. I spend 5 years clearing high ranking dungeons in the beast glades. Sometimes there were Alacrya camps. I questioned them and then killed them. When the time is right I would give a few books about Alacrya to the council so that they can prepare for the war.” I told him while bringing out one of the books. He opened it and skipped through it.

“When do you think the time is right?” He asked me while giving me back the book. I think he looks at me now differently because of my asura body.

“There are Alacryas at Xyrus Academy. I think they will launch an attack while Aurora Constellate. I will wait until then and then will launch an attack at them before they can do it. With that I kill the Alacrya soldiers and most of the traitors. But afterwards I will need your help.” I said to him. With the last sentence he looked at me confused.

He didn’t need to ask and I told him. “There are high ranking nobles that help the Alacryas. If I kill them, I am pretty sure the council will want to see me. I am not sure, but it wouldn’t surprise me if Agrona already has someone at the council at his side. If this is true, they will try to execute me and Sylvie. When this happens, I will need you to show up and kill the traitors.”

“I will bring the information back to Lord Indrath. He will tell me if we should use the plan. If you don’t hear from me again, you progress with the plan. Afterwards I will bring you and Lady Sylvie to Epheotus to train you both for the upcoming war. If Lord Indrath thinks that the plan shouldn’t be done, then I will come sooner to get you for your training.” He told me while turning around and placing something on the floor. After a few moments, a portal opened.

“Try to not bring you or especially Lady Sylvie in grave danger.” He said while going through the portal.

I looked down at the two elixirs. Maybe one will le me break through to white core. I put them in my ring and cancelled the barrier and walked out of the alley to find my family.

*Hope you liked this chapter. Have a nice day!*

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