Chapter 2

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Arthur POV:

I jumped from tree to tree to the source of the cry for help. While I was moving, I noticed some changes of my body. It feels like my body weights less and I have more stamina.

After a few moments I reached my destination. I was on top of a tree over the slave traders. There are 4 of them and I could sense that one of them is a mage at the solid orange stage. I was surprised that I could sense him.

The best strategy would be to wait until night and then fight them. In the meantime I should meditate. I sat down on a branch and closed my eyes. First I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I was confused that I could sense the mage even though I was at dark red. But now my mana core is at light red with cracks. One thing I also noticed is that my mana core is grading up even though I don't meditate.

My first idea was that it has something to do with my new body and I should think about it later.

I looked in the sky and saw that it is around 3pm. The best moment to strike would be around 10pm. Until then I should pursue the slave traders and think about a strategy to fight them.

After hours of observation, I had learned enough about them to make a move. I waited until nightfall to take my plan into action. Despite their rustic appearances, the slave traders were surprisingly vigilant; they never built a fire and always kept two people on guard at all times.

After stirring up the forest hounds with a carefully thrown rock, I made my move as soon as one of the two on guard went around to the other side of the carriage to quiet them.

While the other guard stayed on his position, I jumped from branch to branch until I was above the guard.

My feet got augment with mana and I jumped down behind the slave trader. With my new body I nearly didn't make a sound and I didn't got noticed. While I was observing the enemies I noticed that I already unlocked all 4 standard elements and lightning. I used wind mana to shape my hand to a knife and jumped towards the slave trader. My hand pierced through his chest where his heart is located. After I ripped my hand out of his back he fell forward and the forest hounds started to eat his corpse.

"Ey Pinky! Can't even calm the hounds...What the?!"

While I was picking up... Pinky's knife, the other guard came around and saw me and behind me the corpse of his mate.

At first he didn't registered what really happened but he composed himself fast, but not fast enough. I put wind mana under my feet and boost myself straight forward my enemy. He couldn't compose himself fast enough and his head was already rolling besides the rest of his body.

The hounds quieted down while devouring the two corpses. As I headed towards the tent to dispose of the remaining two in their sleep, a shrill cry ruined my plans.


Son of a... why now of all times?

On cue, I heard the rustle of the tent as the two slave traders that were left had come out. "Pinky! Deuce! The kid is awake! What the hell are you guys..." He barked, still half asleep.

I swallowed down the inappropriate urge to laugh at the ridiculous names of the slave traders, and hid myself behind a tree next to the carriage and infuse mana into Pinky's knife.

Sensing something was amiss, the two remaining slave traders carefully stepped around to the other side of the carriage where their eyes bulged upon witnessing their two former companions being eaten by the forest hounds.

Using this chance, I attacked the nearest one when his gaze whips back at me and instantly swings his short sword at my face.

Dodging the slash, I dropped low and dashed toward him, trying to get in the range of my knife. I swung, reinforcing more mana into the knife, landing a clean wound through his right leg's Achilles' heel.

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