'A fresh start'

I just didn't realize how big of a mistake that would end up being.


"Smoke?" J.K asked as we weaved in and out of traffic. The bass hitting against my back and from under me as I gripped the handle of the door beside me. "No I'm good thanks."

"Ah, fucker relax! You're safe with us, isn't he Tae?"

"Of course." He smirked at me through the side mirror as he flicked his joint ash out the window. My heart sank as everything in me screamed to go back home, but the tight void of emptiness screamed back at me to sit back.

It always won.

I wasn't much of a daredevil, I liked safety and to be alone the majority of the time. Out of all of us Yoongi and I were the closest, both of us were technically considered orphans now as he had lost both his parents as well. We understood one another, both wearing a mask to everyone other than each other. I liked to come off as the fun one, the happy one and the boisterous one. Life of the party, girls loved me and so did most people. But inside I was dying, the mask slid off behind closed doors and I melted into my art. It was the only thing that gave me a reason to go on. The only way I could express myself without losing my fucking mind.

I'd be lying if I didn't say another reason for hanging out with them was to stop being the good guy, I wanted to feel something other than dread, I wanted to feel what it was to be dark, emotionless. I just wanted to know what it felt like. Just a little taste into the impossible, a side quest and then I'd go back to my normal life, hoping that the tension would be no more between us. We didn't have to love each other, but fuck we were all each other had.

'I was all I had'

"We're here boys!" J.K calls out as he parked in the back parking lot of a club. Music vibrating through the brick and hitting the sides of his black Mercedes. I could smell the hot metallic liquid flowing through the dancing bodies within the walls next to us. I always thought about feeding off a human, breaking the rules but I was scared of the aftermath. And besides it being very illegal, especially for our pack.

It was how our secret could get out, how innocence would be lost. Danger could spread. I knew for a fact that the men I was with didn't follow those rules, flying under the radar most nights, always fed and were always intentional, but they weren't caught yet.

We spent the next few hours, taking shots and dancing with some pretty blondes on the dance floor. None of us were new to women flocking to us, I just never paid much attention when it happened. One of them took a liking to me, a vivacious blonde with sultry blue eyes, her hands nestled against my forearms as she rolled her hips into me. I could feel her essence flowing through her veins, the heat radiating against my skin. The hunger inside of me began to pool like a thick rope, tightening around my stomach and waiting to be pulled to a snap. I leaned into her neck and swiped my flushed lips across her skin, "Whats your name beautiful?" I whispered into her ear as she held onto me tighter. "Erica."

"Erica do you want to be my girlfriend for tonight?" I asked as I smiled down into her neck again. Goosebumps fell across her arms as she tilted her head up to face me. "I'd like that." She said softly as her sweet perfume filled my senses, hitting me straight to the back of my throat. I lightly pressed my lips against hers and we molded together on the dance floor, my hands resting against the front of her belt on her low cut jeans.
I pulled my lips away to look up, as both J.K and Tae were sandwiched between Erica's friends dancing and whispering into each others ears before J.K met my eyes with black pools.

Silver Lining / PJMحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن