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"You two may now kiss."

In a moment that seemed to hang in the air, Taehyung's lips crashed against Jungkook's, fueled by the command that had just been uttered. But as their mouths connected, Jungkook felt a wave of revulsion wash over him, a stark contrast to the passion they had once shared.

Briefly breaking away, Taehyung's eyes scanned the church, taking in the sight of his men and his father. Ky stood proudly by his side as his best man, a symbol of the life that awaited them.

Everything felt rushed, forced, and it left a bitter taste in Jungkook's mouth. He despised this situation, but he felt trapped, as if his only escape was to end his own life. Yet, even in the depths of his despair, the thought of the other five boys, his friends, held him back.

He yearned to see them, to be with them once more. This wasn't how he wanted things to end. And though doubts lingered in the back of his mind, questioning the authenticity of their friendship, he pushed those thoughts aside, burdened by guilt for not fully trusting them.

They had been inseparable for as long as they could remember, their friendship standing the test of time. But now, Jungkook found himself grappling with a devastating truth that threatened to shatter everything they had built together. How could he possibly come to terms with the fact that the person he cherished the most was the very reason his parents had met their tragic end? It was as if his entire world had been torn apart, leaving him adrift in a sea of despair.

Jungkook stood by his husband's side, his mind heavy with exhaustion and sleep deprivation. The weight of the previous night's thoughts had kept him awake, consumed by the impending wedding that now seemed to hang over him like a dark cloud. But now, even the simplest of thoughts eluded him, leaving him feeling numb and devoid of hope. The tears that threatened to spill seemed futile, not even worth the effort.

And yet, here he was, standing beside Kim Taehyung, the man who had forever altered the course of his life. The man who had robbed him of his parents and stolen his happiness. It was a cruel twist of fate, a nightmarish reality that he couldn't escape. Taehyung, once a friend, now seemed like a sinister figure, a psychopath lurking in the shadows.

"You look absolutely exhausted, Diamond. Is everything alright?" Jungkook absentmindedly hummed, making Taehyung's heart sink a little. Determined to help, Taehyung gently grabbed Jungkook's arm and suggested. "Let's head back to the mansion, baby." However, Jungkook's resistance was palpable as he stood still, refusing to budge.

"I don't want to go!" Jungkook snapped, his frustration evident. Yet, as he watched Taehyung's furrowed brow, his anger dissipated, leaving behind a sense of confusion. 

Taehyung's voice took on a sharper, more stern tone as he insisted- "Let's go home, Jungkook." Reluctantly, Jungkook rolled his eyes and nodded, surrendering to Taehyung's persistence. Before he knew it, Taehyung had whisked him out of the church and into the car, settling him in the passenger seat. With a focusedexpression, Taehyung took the wheel and began to drive.

The journey was filled with an eerie silence, as Taehyung focused on the road ahead and Jungkook stared out the window. The night sky was adorned with a blanket of stars, casting a mystical glow upon the world below.

"Perhaps some music would lighten the mood?" Taehyung suggested, breaking the silence. But Jungkook simply shook his head, offering no further response.

Taehyung muttered- "Alright," as he maintained his focus on the road and drove with one hand.

Upon arriving at their destination, the couple disembarked and Jungkook was immediately overcome with trepidation, concerned about the potential consequences of being alone.

Jungkook asked, "Will the others, including your father, not be joining us?" as they entered the mansion.

Taehyung responded. "No, my father has graciously allowed us to utilize this mansion for the week so that we may spend time together. He and the others will be residing in the penthouse where you were previously held captive." Taehyung approached Jungkook, who was visibly anxious.

"However, Ky will be arriving tomorrow morning in the event that we require any assistance," Taehyung added, removing his jacket and tossing it onto the couch, making Jungkook feel uneasy about what was to come.

"Please proceed upstairs and rest. You appear to be quite fatigued, having had a long day," Taehyung instructed, walking toward the corner table to pour himself a glass of water. He turned to face Jungkook, who remained motionless.

The two exchanged a glance before Taehyung uttered-

"Aren't seriously going to force yourself on me?" Jungkook's words cut through the air, leaving Taehyung stunned.

"What? No way. Are you out of your mind?" Taehyung's surprise was evident as he placed his glass back on the table and approached Jungkook. "I may be a killer, but I would never stoop to being a rapist, Jungkook- that's my dad." Taehyung retorted firmly.

Jungkook's voice trembled slightly as he spoke, his fingers fidgeting with the wedding ring. "Well, your dad already tried to force himself on me when he found out I witnessed him raping Lacey," Jungkook revealed, his words laced with bitterness. "So forgive me if I'm skeptical that you won't do the same and try to justify it by saying we're married, as if that gives you the right to touch me without my consent." Jungkook's anger seeped through his gritted teeth.

A heavy sigh escaped Taehyung's lips as he fell silent for a moment, contemplating his response. "Have I ever told you that consent is my ultimate turn-on? There's nothing more exhilarating than someone willingly surrendering themselves to your control and allowing you to dominate them," Taehyung confessed.

Jungkook let out a distracted hum, still struggling to believe that he was having this conversation with Taehyung without breaking down in tears or revealing the depth of his hatred for him.

"I won't rape you, and if you truly don't believe that, then close the door from the inside," Taehyung declared firmly, his words carrying a sense of determination.

Jungkook turned on his heels and walked to the bedroom he was staying in all these days and then closed the door, before breaking into tears and started to let out loud painful sobs. 

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