Chapter twenty-six

Start from the beginning

Luke nodded. His heart was heavy. He knew it was hard for Tamera to also do this. He knew. But there was a small part of him that was not grateful for her help.

"Will you be there during the ceremony?" she asked.

Luke shook his head. He wouldn't be able to handle that.

Tamera smiled sadly at him. The three of them - Tamera, Luke and Peter- spent sleepness nights trying to come up with a better alternative, some better solution, but they couldn't come up with anything. It was inevitable.

"I'm going to pack. If you want to see your mate, he's in the kitchen."

She left, her body still heavy with exhaustion.

It was funny how everyone referred to Rolus as his mate instead of his name.

And his Pack. He hasn't told his Pack about Tamera and Rolus. He didn't even know where to start, and what to say.

He was a mess. He couldn't think straight.

It was high time his Pack knew what was going on. He had to let them know before one of then heard through the grapevines.

But then if his faulty plan were to succeed, then he would have to explain again why there were change of plans. It was better to leave things as they were and not tell them.

He stood up, and thought it time to face his mate. He hoped that at least his mate was as miserable as he felt. At least that.

He found him in the kitchen, a glass of orange juice in front of him. There was no one around. He looked hollow.

Was he a bad mate to feel relieved at Rolus' pain?

Rolus didn't even react to his presence.

Luke sat next to him. The days blurred together since that night Rolus told him about Robert.

"How are the preparations going?" he asked, staring ahead and not even risking a glance.

Rolus shifted a little, then grabbed his glass. "Tamera is handling everything. It's going great."

His voice was empty too. Luke even pitied him.

"That's good. Who is coming?"

Rolus shrugged. "The usual. They've already confirmed that they are coming. Well, most of them. Some will sent their representatives."

Luke nodded. After a while, he turned to look at Rolus. Rolus raised a brow.

"Rolus, if we were to find a solution before the ceremony, would you-"

"Luke, we talked about this. We talked about this, and I am not in the right state to talk again about this. It's over. There's nothing we can both do."


"Do you think I enjoy this? Do you think I want a replacement mate?"

Before he could tell Rolus that there could be someone listening, Luke heard a plate shatter. His heart shattered into a million pieces along with the plate. He had closed his eyes, not wanting to see whoever heard Rolus.

Rolus was already out of his chair and after that person. Luke heard him call out Jake's name.

Jake was a friend of Liliana's, and if you had someone like them in the Pack, you didn't need any news outlet. They were the big gossips. Before an hour, everyone in the Pack would know that their Alpha was being rejected.

That would save him time to break the news. He didn't have the energy to chase after Jake, let alone face his Pack and tell them that his mate was choosing someone else. Their Delta.

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