Greene - 022

Depuis le début

Daryl thought for a second, sharing a glance with Merle who shook his head no. Daryl thought about the drugs he had on his motorbike, but Merle signalled for him not to say anything. So, Daryl remained silent. He wasn't aware of Merle's plan to take them with him, in case this farm had no pills. He'd share them if necessary, but the addict wanted to keep them for as long as possible.


In the RV, a groan escaped Sophia's lips. Brooks perked up, instantly. "Hey, are you okay?" Brooks softly asked. Sophia's eyes flickered open, she smiled at Brooks' face, before her eyes noticed the stained blood on Brooks' skin and shirt. She gasped and sat up, noticing Carol's cardigan around her and a pain in her shoulder which made her whimper. "It's alright, it's alright." Brooks said, softly, grabbing Carol's bag and pulling out a water bottle and a couple paracetamol. "Here."

"What happened?" Sophia asked, slowly accepting the pills and water.

"What do you remember?" Brooks asked.

Sophia let out a breath. "You hugging me. I remember... A bang. Rick talking to him. And- and... Nothing." She said, before putting the paracetamol in her mouth.

"Kaden shot you." Brooks admitted. 

Sophia nearly choked on the water. "And I'm... Alive?"

"Congrats, man. Welcome to the club." Brooks wiggled her eyebrows.

Sophia laughed a little. "How?"

Brooks licked her lips. "Uh, Glenn. He was in college, remember? He learnt it there."

"Remind me to thank him."

"Don't, he's really shy 'bout it. Anyways, I best get your ma. Tell 'er you're alrigh' and shit." Brooks stood up, before pretty much running from the room. 

While leaving the RV, she nearly bumped into Carol. "Is she okay?" Carol asked, confused why Brooks was rushing out.

"Yea, dude. She's awake. I gave her a couple paracetamol." Brooks responded.

"Oh, thank god." Carol smiled, brushing past Brooks to run to Sophia. She didn't mean to dismiss Brooks, but she wanted to spend as much time with Sophia as possible.

"We got a damn plan or y'all out here braiding each other's egos?" Brooks asked.

Glenn sighed. "Did you get meaner?" Brooks narrowed her eyes at him, making him look down. She had, and it was since she found out Carl had been shot. She was stressed, she wanted him to be okay, but she didn't know why. Brooks thought that if she hated him, why should she care if he lives or not? She didn't care if Chris came back or not.

"Me 'n' Glenn are takin' you, T and blondie to this farm." Merle told her.

"Well, best get a damn move on if you don't wanna lose no more sunlight, aye?"


The drive to the farm was awkward, silent and tense. Merle was driving, T-dog was in the passenger, Glenn was behind the drivers, Sophia in the middle and Brooks curled up behind T-dog. Merle was still pissed at Brooks, so he refused to play any CDs, or make the journey comfortable enough to speak. T-dog's arm was in agony, so he didn't feel like speaking, same with Sophia and her shoulder. Glenn was too scared of Merle and Brooks to make a comment, while Brooks was just sulking that Carl had the audacity to be shot.

They drove the very long drive, there were fields and trees for what seemed like miles. The white house stood proudly, decorated with a gorgeous porch, and beautiful tiling. In the distance, Sophia managed to spot a very large barn. She frowned, remembering the time her, her mother, her father and brother went for a hike. Her and her brother played tag around the barn for hours while her mother and father shared a picnic. One of three good family days she could remember from her twelve years of life. Hey, it was three more than Brooks, at least.

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