Nonetheless, the CEO of Evans corporation was not a dumb fellow, he safeguarded the entirety of the discovery as a corporate secret. His charisma, coupled with his unwavering commitments, has fostered immense trust. This very reason has propelled him to his current position–one of the prominent provider of fresh produce, exerting a near-monopolistic hold over Asia, Europe, and South America.


The young man happened to be the only son of that very man,

Lucian Evans.

Lucians mother was from Europe, specifically Romanian Arcology. Their paths crossed in what could only be described as a deeply romantic encounter, leading to the couple falling in love, and immediately getting married. Soon after, they had Lucian.

Unfortunately, Lucian's mother passed away shortly after giving birth to him. Tragically, he was also diagnosed with a severe genetic disease.

Kyouhei Suzuki, a man of unwavering determination and resolute spirit, navigated through these trials. He weathered the storm of losing his wife, simultaneously dealing with the challenges his sons medical conditions brought. Admirably, he neither neglected his son nor placed blame on him.

He poured all the care and affection that one could wish for from both a father and a mother onto his son. He cherished his son dearly, recognizing that this was the most important and invaluable legacy his wife had left behind.

Lucian let out a sigh.

Even after 18 years since her passing, he hadn't considered another women or tried dating any. It was evident that his father truly loved his mother.

He was truly a 'Family Guy'.

Lucian extended his hand towards the pillow and pulled out a smartphone from beneath it. Taping on the device, the screen expanded. He fiddled with the device, and soon after, the door to his room swung open, revealing a young woman dressed in a  maid uniform, who entered the room.

Silently, she approached the young man with a composed expression. Her gaze held a hint of curiosity, yet it remained mostly professional. She raised the bedsheet and leaned over Lucian, her actions deliberate and composed, as she began the process of gently undressing him.

Before long, his attire transformed from pajamas and a T-shirt into a more comfortable ensemble that suited him well. The young man's appearence was far from ordinary; in fact, he was exceptionally appealing to look at. Yet, in a ruined world, beauty was inconsequential to most.

Lucians blue eyes met the brown eyes of the maid, as she completed fastening the final button on his shirt and met his gaze.

"Breakfast will be ready shortly, young master," the maid informed, stepping back and offering a subtle bow. Her graceful figure moved with refined precision, as if honed to perfection.

"I don't think I'll eat anything today. I don't have much of an appetite," Lucian said, his voice soft, mellow, and pleasing to hear.

"That can't happen, young master. I've been instructed by the master to ensure you're fed, even if it means I have to be forceful about it. If you'd like me to practically force-feed you, then please decline my courteous attempt to serve you," the maid retorted in a single breath.

Lucian looked at her with his pleading blue eyes, yet the maid's unwavering stare remained unaffected as she stood her ground resolutely.

"Fine!" Unable to sway her determination, he relentlessly agreed to eat breakfast.

"It'll be prepared shortly. Please take your medicine in the meantime," advising that, the maid swiftly left the lavish room, the door closing almost noiselessly behind her.

Once the maid left, Lucian found himself alone in the room once more. He let out a slight sigh, succumbing to the sense of boredom that had settled in once again.

"It's so boring."

Life was boring. It became even more so when you're unable to fully utilize all your limbs for their intended purpose. The most Lucian could manage was walking a few meters; any more than that, and he would become sick and faint. He was afflicted with cystic fibrosis, a life-threatening genetic disease that damages the lungs and digestive system.

Apparently, his mother had also been diagnosed with the same disease, although her condition wasn't as severe as his. However, possibly due to being born prematurely, Lucian was more susceptible to illness. Even minor changes could significantly impact his health.

But that's not all. He has also been diagnosed with alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, a condition that increases the risk of lung and other diseases.

When combined with cystic fibrosis, it results in CF-ALD, a condition where even slight pollution, dust, or smoke can pose life-threatening risks.

Thankfully, he was born into a family that could provide him with the finest treatment available, along with top-tier air filters and a home that was meticulously cleaned every hour.

But that didn't do anything to alleviate his boredom and loneliness. Despite being trapped in this huge house and having everything catered to him, he couldn't shake off the sense of emptiness. He couldn't find the sense of fulfillment or achivement that he so desired.

The reality is disappointing, and he isn't even certain when his life might come to an end, given that even minor malfunctions and environmental changes could potentially be fatal. He would be lying if he denied feeling scared.

Lucian sighed and turned on the TV once more.

The previous news had been replaced by a new anime that was playing on the TV channel. The anime featured a new game, seemingly a DMMO-RPG, which had been gaining popularity over the past few years.


A better Fanfic than the previous one. Enjoy the story.

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