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"-and so it's confirmed that Grisha Jaeger came from outside the walls." Erwin placed the piece of paper on the table that was surrounded by us.

It had been a bit over 3 weeks, and you had completely healed minus the little limp that you still had. You were discharged just last week and were instantly pushed back into work. Even then, you happily took back all you responsibilities and let Levi sleep for 16 hours.

Being away for almost a month, you had realised how much you had missed. Eren had acquired the memories of his father, seeing how he was the holder of the attack Titan and then passed it down to Eren. Then his new powers of crystallizing was honed to perfection by lining it up the walls to create the new Titan Killing Machine.

Overall, you missed a lot of drama.

"We're going to have to keep low with this news."

"Good. We'll go pass this to our squads."

Everyone got up from the table, including you. Your eyes lay on Levi who stood in the corner and nodded at him as he glanced at Erwin. Exiting the room, you saw Levi pushing Hange away and shutting the door behind him leaving him and the Commander alone.

"What's up with shorty?" Hange jabbed a thumb towards the door and you just shrugged.

"Dunno. He'll probably come in a few minutes. You go, I'll stay here for him." You rested your back against the wall and saw Hange nod and leave.

Levi, Hange, Erwin and Pixis early had a meeting with Zachary, talking about whom the serum that could convert a man to a Titan would go to and it was entrusted to Levi. During that moment, Levi asked Erwin what he wanted to do after they found the contents within Eren's basement, and Erwin gave an unsure answer. Levi came to you after that, consoling you with his worries.

He felt that Erwin was going to die in the battle.

He also felt that he wasn't worthy of the serum.

His main worries revolved around whether Erwin was able to lead the Survey corps further into the future, when they had learnt about the rest of the world. You understood that Levi was scared for he had not only the burden as Humanity's Strongest, but also the one responsible for the serum.

It was about 5 minutes later that Levi exited the room with an underlying anger under his facade.

"How'd it go? What did he say?" You instantly bombarded him with questions.

Levi sighed, already walking his way towards his destination. "All he wants to do is get to know about the world. After that? Who knows..." He trailed off, looking right in front of him.

"Don't worry much about it for now, Levi. Let's look forward to the night." You placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

He stopped in his tracks, looking up at you with an understanding gaze. "Yeah. Let's."


"Again, how many months of food cost did we spend today?" You asked, wincing at the crazed up people around you.

"Two month-"


"...Umm should we stop them?"

"Leave them. Didn't expect them to have such a reaction to meat." Hange munched on her slice, silently staring at the rest of the corps.

You shrugged, lightly chuckling at the squaking chickens around you. "Well, they deserve it. Tomorrow is an important day."

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