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"Umm... Miss Y/N?"

"Yeah, Connie?"

"I just wanted to tell you something."

"What is it?"

Connie looked down at his feet, his fingers fiddling with the hem of his shirt. He took a deep breathe in and then looked back up. "Thanks for saving me back then. If you didn't come then I'm sure I would've died." His voice got small and he looked away once again.

You softly laughed, approaching him through the fallen debris. You put a hand on his shoulder and then ruffled the little hair he had. "You don't have to thank me, kiddo. I'll be there to save you anytime."

A huge smile appeared on his face and a speck of blush adorned his cheeks. He rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled.

"Not fair..." You looked at Sasha, who was pouting in a corner which made you laugh more. You walked up to her and then ruffled her hair too.

"You did a good job out there. I'm proud of you." Sasha beamed with happiness and you chuckled. "You guys are seriously making me feel like a mother..." You shook your head.

"Now let's get back to work!"

Soon after your little moment, Sasha called you out and pointed at an opening. You looked where she pointed and noticed a big hole in the ceiling. All three of you shot your hooks and went up the ground, only to see a total wreck everywhere.

"What the..." Connie muttered as he looked at the giant Titan crawling to who knows where.

You didn't know what to do at the horrifying sight so all you did was take a deep breathe in.

"Sasha! Connie! Miss Y/N!!"

All of you turned your head at the approaching voice and saw Armin running towards you. Behind him was Moblit who was setting Hange onto a carriage. "Armin!" Sasha and Connie ran towards their friends and shared a quick hug.

"Glad to see you all are okay! Where are the rest?" Armin looked at you hopefully.

Thank goodness you had good news, you never wanted to ruin the brightness in his eyes. "They all are safe. I'll explain it all to you later because we have to go back down to say that we found an exit. Sasha, Connie, go and inform this to Captain. Armin, do you think we have a rope ladder here somewhere?"

Sasha and Connie immediately went to work as you followed Armin to the cart. When you reached your destination, you saw Moblit wrapping Hange's injuries up. "You look peachy." You greeted your best friend.

Hange chuckled. "I sure do."

"No but really, are you okay?" You asked, concern lacing into your tone.

Their expression softened and a small smile graced their lips. "It hurts a bit, but it's not as bad as it looks like."

You sighed in relief. "Good to know."

"Miss Y/N!" Armin called you. "I found some rope ladder."

"Good, I'll be heading back now." You waved your hand and walked away from your friends.

After reaching the hole, you tied the ends of the rope ladder to some nearby rocks and tested it by going down on it. You soon reached the bottom and headed back to where your squad was. On arrival, you saw Sasha kneeling down in front of Eren and rambling on and on.

"Do I need to know what's going on?" You asked when you reached Jean's side.

He shook his head, a chuckle leaving him. "Not anything important."

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