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Soon, it was time for you to pack up and move.

You were in ur room, stuffing essentials into your back pack and cleaning your place up one last time. You went to meet up with your squad that would arrive at the remote castle later and hastily walked to where they would probably be.

You entered the training grounds to see all of them laughing with eachother.

"Hey", you greeted to be greeted back with the five of them saluting you.

"At ease. You all are probably aware that I won't be here for a few days, and if you don't know then just know that I'm going out with Levi's squad to look over Eren. Till then, I want Nile to be impromptu leader. If anything huge happens, then take lead of it. Rest of you, please don't cause trouble", you begged at the last part.

Your squad laughed at your pleases, but saluted once again after giving orders. Nile came up and shook your hand, and you said a small 'good luck' to him.

"We'll be heading out in a few, so take my squad. And don't die!", You said as you waved to them.

"Don't think we're that weak, Squad Leader Y/N", Nile shouted back with an amused smile on his face.

You shook your head and thought of giving Levi a quick visit before you left your rooms. Walking down the maze-like corridors of the headquarters, your mind went to the recent problem that happened between you and Levi.

It was your first time seeing Levi at such a vulnerable state, and vulnerability was 0% in his personality. Even though you had felt shitty throughout that day, after the argument you felt like the most complete person in the world.

You felt like you could touch the clouds and you felt so happy that it took you 50 laps in the training grounds that night to make your physically tired and go to sleep. Even then in bed, you squealed into your pillow so hard your throat started to hurt.

What was even weirder was that you had NEVER squealed in your life.

And the first time you doing had to be for your weirdly short, long term friend who had anger issues and was ignorant and was a pain in the butt?

What type of a high school love story is this???

The night, after your argument, when you left Levi's room, you knew something was wrong. You knew something was VERY wrong.

The fast beating of the heart, the redness on your cheek, the feeling of your stomach flying away and being thrown to the edge of the world?

You had a crush on the Corporal.

Now that was just downright embarrassing.

You're a 28 year old youthful, single, virgin woman, and now you're having a crush on this insect with anger issues???

Can you get any worse???

It seemed like you had come on terms with yourself with your little giddy crush on you captain. You didn't mind it much, since you were 100% capable of being bitchless, the same way you've been bitchless for all your 28 years of living.

You're single-ness always woke you up and made you realise that your 'Captain-kink' will always be unresolved seeing how you haven't even gotten your kitty cat eaten.

Are you just borderline insulting yourself?

Yes. Yes you are.

You reached to Levi's office, and at the distance you were at, you noticed his door slightly left ajar.

"Hehehe", you laughed at yourself as you schemed an evil plan to scare the Corporal shitless.

You stood never the hinges of the door and crouched down. You moved a bit to peek at the captain and were shocked at the sight.

There stood Levi Ackerman, in just a towel wrapped around his hips, water dripping down from his hair to his body. And oh his abs...

Defined so well as though god himself sculpted it, you drooled at your almost naked friend's sight. He stood behind his table, clutching a paper as though reading it's contents. His other hand was holding his towel in place.

Levi suddenly left his hands from the towel and put them in middle of chest. Your eyes laid on plushy pink nipples that would be perfect between your lips.


Levi's hand traced down all the way from his abs to his v-line, as though getting rid of the water on his body. The hair that climbed up to his belly button made your knees weak, and you could feel you legs tremble.

The towel that he left slowly fell down, and you flinched hoping to see the complete beauty of the Corporal, but Levi held it before it fell too far and let out a groan from deep within his throat.

O-oh shit.

Just as you ogled at that man, you felt something wet in your underwear. Shit, you couldn't simply just get wet at the sight of a naked man, now could you? But that's exactly what happened.

A small moan left your lips, and Levi's eyes shot towards the door. Thank the walls that you moved before he saw you.

Knowing that he would come and check who the intruder was, you ran towards the female bathroom. You noticed how it was empty and silently thanked god that he was on your side.

You entered an empty stall and pulled your pants down. Your clean hands slipped between wetness of your clit.

And throughout that you only had one thing in mind.


Ackerman's Destiny Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant