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  A new morning, you were up and ready for a new day of training. Since you had lost your squad under the attack of the Female Titan, you were to search for new members as you trained alongside them.

Training was under the command of the Lance Corporal, and it was harsh as always. You were assigned fifty laps, hundred squats, hundred push ups, fifty sit ups and then had to clean the stables.

  It was mildly irritating, seeing how you and Levi were comparatively way closer than anyone on this field, yet it was Selena who got held back from stable duty.

  You scraped the horse poop in anger, feeling jealous of an innocent girl who had nothing to do with you, yet here you were, muttering curse words and swearing at the midget you called your best friend. The whole training was as long as five hours, and your next job was practicing with your 3D maneuver gears.

  It was a rally match, and you were teamed up with Mikasa, Jean and Selena. Just looking at your team you smirked in victory, well aware of the first place you were going to get. Mikasa was already well known to be demonic with the gear, Jean was mentioned to be highly skilled with his techniques as well. Selena, being small, was very agile with her movements that made her naturally fast.

  Since you were the one with experience at being a leader, the other three naturally looked up to you. "So I know these woods very well, I've been practicing here for ten years now", you started as you huddled up your team for the matches strategy.

"The starting of these woods are pretty wide, so here we'll just need skill and speed, that's why Jean, you'll be our starter", you pointed at Jean.

"Yes, ma'am"

"Good. Now from here on, the woods are placed in tricky places and that's the main reason why people slow down. Mikasa, you're pretty good at analysing such situations so you're going after Jean"


"The woods for the third place is very narrow. Selena, I've noticed that you're very quick and agile, plus you're tiny. This will be a piece of cake for you"

"Heh, thanks"

"The last part of the forest is just a combination of the second and third, tricky and narrow. I'm confident I can get past those with my eyes closed, so trust me in getting first place. Just fly as fast as you can, Soldiers".

"Yes, ma'am!", They all said in unison and then the whistle erupted. You turned to see Hange overly excited for the match.

"Get in your places", they screamed.

"Good luck, guys", you turned behind and patted their backs.

  And so, you stood in the woods, waiting for Selena to come to you so you can win the race. Standing impatiently, you're foot tapped the branch beneath and you looked behind with squinting eyes for a mop of long blonde hair, but all you got was a speeding soldier with black hair.

Levi Ackerman.

"Fuck what is he doing here?", You muttered with worry to yourself and saw Selena trailing behind him, the same look of worry on her face that you held.

Levi flew past you in a blink of an eye and after 3 whole second, Selena came and slapped your palm.

"Shit, we're too late", you said hopping off the branch and instantly speeding away.

  Levi was unnaturally talented with the gear and that gave a series of 'fucks' in your mind. You could see his body in front of you slowly getting smaller and smaller as he went farther away from you.

  Looking at his retreating body, you felt a rise of competition shadowing your confidence that you held earlier. Oh how badly you wanted to beat Humanity's Strongest Soldier.

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