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Perhaps it was the bandages that covered your swollen face.

Or the stitches that covered your body like a blanket.

Or maybe it was how badly bruised your face was.

Whatever it was, the insecurities just increased with every passing second. But why the thoughts, you ask.

  Levi hadn't come in the past 6 days, which left you restless in your bedridden state. The amount of hours you had spent staring at the door in the hopes of your favourite person to enter had become countless. At the first 3 days, you convinced yourself that he had a lot of work to do, but as you waited for him the day later, the first thought of doubt entered your mind.

'Does he not want to be friends anymore?'

  You scoffed at your own thoughts at that time. The man had kept up with you for more than a decade, a little accident like this wouldn't just make him ignore you.

But...there was a possibility, right?

  You slowly lifted your hand up, picking up a small piece of apple from the plate that rested on your lap. Your physical therapy doctor sat on a chair across you, writing your report on you progress in movement so far. He was impressed to see you healing yourself so fast, since a literal blast in your face should've kept you basically in a coma for another week or so.

  The doctor, Finn, placed his hand on the paper he was writing in, sighing and clicking his tongue. "You've done all your exercises for the day, and well, you've been doing way better than anyone I've ever treated. Continue resting, and you'll be back on the field in a month or so."

"Ofcourse I will. I am famous for a reason."

  An embarrassed blush erupted on the cheeks of the doctor, as he chuckled awkwardly and rubbed the back of his head thinking he had offended you with his words. "U-um, well I shall see you tomorrow. Take care, Lieutenant."

  Dr. Finn rushed out the door without glancing back at you and you sighed. Once again, you were all alone. You were barely being visited by any of your friends and that hurt you a bit. But on the other hand, it was understandable why they weren't giving you time. You experienced being absolutely busy firsthand, so you shouldn't even be having any expectations from the start.

  Murmurs from our the door snapped you out of your thoughts. Your head turned towards the sound that slowly got louder until the door opened to reveal your familiar friend.

Just not the one you yearned for.

"Hange!!" You exclaimed with as much energy you could muster at the moment, happiness still blooming within you despite your heart aching for Levi hadn't come.

"My Y/N!!" Hange ran ahead, almost jumping to hug you before Erwin took a hold of the back of their shirt and kept them in one place.

"Good evening, Y/N." Erwin laughed at Hange's antics and came to sit beside you, patting your thigh in a gesture of welcoming.

"Hey, Erwin. I missed you."

  The smile that played on your lips was genuine. You had indeed missed the both of them, since the last you had seen them was two days ago. The both of them were dressed in their uniforms, and the exhaustion lined beneath their eyes showed that they had a busy day.

"We missed you too. How are you doing?" Erwin filled a glass of water and passed it to you. Hange sat on the sofa across the bed and laid on their side, facing you.

"Doing well. The doctor said that I'll be back on the feel after a month." You cheerfully said.

  Both of your friends' eyes widened, looking back at you with bright eyes. "Really!! That's awesome!" Hange got up from their relaxed position, once again ready to jump at you if it weren't for Erwin shielding you.

Ackerman's Destiny Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ