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The atmosphere in the speed cannon room was thick with anticipation. Cait, Cisco, Barry, and I stood in tense silence, eyes fixed on Cisco who had his hand up to where the breach had previously been. It was a pivotal moment, a test of our theory, and the weight of expectation hung heavy in the air.

"I got nothing," He said, as he lowered his hand.

"Try again, okay?" Barry reassured.

"Barry what if he can't do it because he thinks he can't do it?" Cait conveyed.

"He's got this, you know. If his powers are anything like Reverb's, he just needs a little time," I said, my tone carrying a touch of reassurance and care.

"Sams right, you can do it," Barry yelled at Cisco. Cisco raised his hand again and we waited for something to happen. And once again, nothing. Barry jumped up as Cisco lowered his hand again in disheartenment. "You... it's gonna work, okay? And it...maybe we're just not in the right place,"

"Or maybe I'm just not the right man for the job, right? Let's go," Cisco then walked out, with Cait following.

"Give him time Bar," I rubbed his shoulder. "You know, Cisco's got the potential. We just need to give him some time," I said, my voice carrying a hint of cautious optimism.

Barry nodded in agreement. "Yeah, he's got it in him. If his powers are anything like Reverb's, he'll get there."

I placed a comforting hand on Barry's arm. "Sam, you look, exhausted babe,"

I shrugged, trying to play it off. "Just caught up in the projects, you know how it is. First the tachyon enhancer, now the problem of opening the breaches,"

Barry gently touched my cheek, his gaze warm and caring. "You need to take a break, Sam. All this work isn't worth sacrificing your well-being."

I leaned into his touch, appreciating the concern he showed. "I promise I'll rest once we figure this out."

He smiled, a mixture of affection and determination in his eyes. "Alright, but no more late nights, okay?"

I chuckled, giving him a playful salute. "Deal."

With a final reassuring squeeze of my hand, Barry suggested, "Let's take a break. Get some big belly burger?"

I nodded, grateful for his thoughtfulness. "That sounds perfect."

We left the room, hand in hand, ready for a moment of reprieve before diving back into the challenges ahead.


As I sat in the med bay, the rhythmic beeping of the monitors provided a steady backdrop to my thoughts. Caitlin bustled around, focused and precise, as she prepared to administer my blood check. It was a necessary interruption, given the toll recent events had taken on me.

As she worked, my mind drifted to the abandoned hospital, where Cisco and Barry were attempting to open a breach. I couldn't help but wonder how the scene was unfolding. The place held an eerie aura, its walls echoing with remnants of a time long past. I imagined Barry, determined and resolute, his eyes fixed on Cisco as they both concentrated on the task at hand.

I could picture Cisco's frustration mounting as his attempts yielded no results. He was fiercely determined, unwilling to back down in the face of adversity. Barry, equally committed, would be there to reassure him, to remind him of the potential within him.

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