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When Iris and I eventually woke from falling asleep, we were told that Dr Light had been successfully brought in. 

It was also the next day, so Iris had to rush off to work, and I was almost healed, so I joined Barry in interrogating Dr Light. 

I wasn't in the most professional look though. Barry was in his Flash suit and I was in an oversized tee and shorts. I didn't rush into join Barry, solely cause I needed an extremely caffeinated drink, but when I did join him, well, Light had a few things to say. 

"You can't stop Zoom." Dr Light said as I walked up to the plexiglass.

"Thanks for nearly killing me Light, I'll be sure to repay the favour." Her eyes widened, and you could tell she was filled with panic.

"Oh no... you're the one I attacked. I'm doomed Zoom will kill me now regardless of what I do. I hurt her." She pointed at me and started panicking, punching the walls. Barry and I gave each other concerned looks. "You don't even know, why do you think Zoom keeps telling the metas who come for you not to hurt her?"

"Why? What does he want with Sam?!" Barry asked angrily.

"He wants her. He killed her doppelganger on our earth now he's looking for a replacement. Killing you Flash is only the start of his plan. And now I'm doomed cause I didn't look carefully enough at who attacked me. There's no stopping Zoom as long as you have your speed, and she's still alive."

"Yes, we can stop him. But we need your help." She skulkingly nodded. 

"Aligning with you is my only chance now."

We then sat in our makeshift prison getting all the details on how Light was gonna prove she killed Barry.

We then reconvened with the team to tell them all we knew.

"Zoom wants Dr Light to send him your new emblem?" Caitlin explained, clutching two cups of coffee in hand. One that was just pure coffee for me. She handed it to me, and I sat by Cisco at the monitors, while Barry leaned on the desk. Joe hovered at the cortex entrance, while Wells lurked in the breakout room. 

"Yes. We need it for bait. If we can get Dr Light to take my emblem, and throw it through the breach then Zoom will come to collect my body and we can trap him." Barry explained.

"You know it took a lot of work to make that emblem right? I and Sam especially designed it for you when she woke up." I nodded in agreement with Cisco, that took us a lot of effort.

"This is the woman who was willing to kill Linda to escape Zoom, and nearly killed Sam, but now she's willing to help us catch him?" Caitlin exclaimed, and I had to agree it was very sus. 

"She knows it's the only way." Barry shrugged.

"It isn't exactly the only way.." Everyone's eyes darted towards me. "Right keep an open mind. We know now Zoom has a weird fixation about people with my face. Lights only aligned with us because she knows Zoom is gonna kill her for what she did to me, why don't we use that?"

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