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Hours had passed, and there was still no sign of Barry and Cisco. Panic had firmly gripped me, and I could see the worry etched across Wells' face. We had learned that Zoom had become aware of Harry's arrival, and the consequences were dire.

Zoom had left a trail of destruction in his wake. Buildings had been burnt into charred ruins, and the city was littered with flyers bearing a terrifying demand: the immediate surrender of Dr Wells.

Wells and I stood together, our shoulders heavy with fear and the weight of the unknown. We had no idea what had happened to Barry and Cisco, and the uncertainty was tearing at us.

"CCPN is reporting that Dr Harrison Wells, the infamous founder of Star Labs who uncharacteristically has gone unseen for nearly four months, is now a wanted man. These images and messages went up moments ago throughout Central City by Zoom." Harry turned the TV off and we glanced worryingly at each other.

"What do we do now?" I whimpered. Wells shook his head in response.

Henry Hewitt then walked in, "Have you seen channel 52? You're not safe here, Dr Wells. Zooms looking for you."

"I know what he's doing. Alert security. Evacuate Star Labs. Lock down the facility." He threw the remote in his hand on his desk.

"What about the two of you?"Don't worry about us, Henry. Just get everyone out of here now. Now! Go!" He reluctantly walked out, as Wells grabbed his backpack.

The back door then flew open, and I ran up to the source, choking it. I then released when I found out it was Cisco, "Damn women my neck!"

"Damn it Ramon," Wells lowered his gun, and I backed away from Cisco, but realised Barry wasn't there.

"Cisco, wheres Barry?" I asked, so much fear laced in my voice.

"Zoom took him," I think I felt my heart stop for a second. I knew it was a stupid idea to get involved in this Earth-2 drama, why didn't I try and stop him? "We tracked down Deathstorm and Killer Frost and met my doppelganger Reverb. Super evil guy, with super evil powers. The three of them almost took down Barry until Zoom showed up, killed Cisco-2, killed Deathstorm for hurting a speedster, but then he left Killer Frost alive and then took off with Barry."

"How are you still alive?" Good question Dr Wells, but not our priority. Now more than ever we need to find Zooms lair.

"Looks like he cares even less about me than you do Harry," Cisco quipped, as he took his bag off.

"No, no, Zoom doesn't do anything by accident. Did he follow you here?" Harry asked as he began collecting things from his desk.

"I've seen Heat like 50 times okay? I know how to shake a tail, he didn't follow me." Cisco then pulled identical glasses to his from his bag, "I jacked these from my dead ringer. I think we can tweak these puppies and use them to find Zoom,"

Harry then snatched them from his hand, "Damn it, Ramon. We don't have time for this. Zoom is hunting us! Zoom is hunting us! We need to make an alternate pan because if we don't, Zoom is-"

"Stop thinking like that okay? We already have a panicked Sam here, who for once in her life isn't talking, we don't need you to become irrational." He then turned to me and grabbed my shoulders, "We are going to find Jesse and Barry. Nothing is going to happen to him," I nodded, I couldn't allow my emotions to cloud my judgement.

"And if it comes to it, I'll act as bait, and get him as far away from you two as I can. Keep in mind I am the fastest woman alive." I felt my confidence rise, and that's exactly what I needed.

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