All Out War On Boys Night

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I stood there, waiting for Barry to emerge from the accelerator. I had promised to be here for him after throwing Eobard back to the future because I knew he would need a comforting presence.

Finally, he walked out, wearing a defeated expression. I rushed up to him, offering a warm smile before enveloping him in a comforting hug.

After a few moments of silence, he rushed us both upstairs to check if Cisco was now okay. And thank god he was.

"He's gonna be okay," Caitlin reassured, and I rested the back of my head on Barry's chest. Hallelujah.

Barry, Wells, Joe and myself then played the waiting game for hours for Cisco to wake up.

We could see he was coming back to consciousness as he began moaning before opening his eyes, "My head feels like it's in a vice....what happened?"

"I think you vibed one too many dimensions," Wells attempted a joke.

"Maybe I should stop doing that," Cisco laughed, making Joe join in.

"Yeah. He's gonna be fine." Cisco began trying to sit up.

"How did you um, get the vibing to stop?" He asked, and I swallowed a lump in my throat. 

"We Reverse-Flash back to his time," I said, his head snapping at me.

"You let him go?" He glanced between me and Barry, surprised we would take that step.

"I couldn't let him take another person I care about," Barry spoke.

"Thank you," Cisco said, understanding the gravity of the sacrifice we just made.

"Of course," Barry whispered in response. 

Wells rolled his eyes, "Okay. I think I need a Big Belly burger, anyone?"

"I'm good, thank you," Barry replied graciously. I was not going to be that gracious.

"Yeah, no pickles," Joe added.

"A large number 2 for me please," I smiled.

"Two triple-triples, please," Cisco mumbled.

"You got money?" Wells asked and I rolled my eyes. I went into my phone case and threw 40 dollars at him.

"That enough?" He gave me an annoyed smile and walked out with the cash.

"Rest up alright, I just gotta talk to Joe," Barry said and he walked out with Joe.

"You wanna watch a New Hope?" I suggested, battering my eyes on my best friend.

"I will use any excuse to watch it," I then went and grabbed the bigger TV, informed Joe and Barry and the 4 of us sat and watched it till Wells came in and started discussing why he thought his earths variation of Star Wars was better than ours.

Safe to say it became an all-out war on boys' night.


With two days left on bench duty, I couldn't help but long for the days when I was out in the field. Being stuck in the lab was starting to wear on me, and I missed the adrenaline rush of action. Currently, I found myself alone in my lab, attempting to set up the feed from a secret camera I had discreetly placed in Cisco's lab.

My goal was to obtain a download of all the information on Wells' computer, a task made challenging without my speed. However, I was confident that my resourceful mind would come up with a solution.

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