Marital Issues

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"Hey, you guys got anything?" Barry asked as we walked into Star Labs surprised to see Jay sitting with Cisco and Cait. He gave Barry and me a lacklustre apology in front of the group, which we both accepted, even though deep down, it was hard to truly forgive and forget. He said he would give us all some space, but his presence here showed that it was a promise he hadn't intended to keep.

"I think we found the next target for our 30-something-metahuman-not-a-ninja Turtle," Cisco said with an air of excitement.

"How long did it take you to come up with that one?" Caitlin asked, giving Cisco an amused glance.

"It just came out of my mouth. Did you see that? That was amazing." We all shared a chuckle at his antics.

"Central City Museum is hosting a special black-tie event tonight showcasing the Crystal Ball," Cisco clarified, prompting a puzzled look from both me and Barry

"It's a famous painting apparently," Jay explained with a knowing smile. Art always seemed to have quirky names."Recently recovered from Markova,"

"The painting is on loan to the museum from the Silverberg Family. Jacob Silverberg, himself, said, 'The painting's safe return means more to us than all the money in the world'. It's like they're practically begging the Turtle to rob it," Cisco continued, his enthusiasm infectious.

"Okay, yes. This is a solid plan. We'll set a trap, and when the Turtle makes his move, we'll be there to take him down," Barry announced, his determination evident.

Caitlin couldn't resist a playful quip, directing it at Jay, "How do you look in a tux?"

Cisco chimed in with a jest, "Come on. He's 6'2", he's square-jawed, and he's jacked. I think he looks just fine."

Jay returned the humour with a self-deprecating comment, "I'm 6'4"."

The banter was a welcome distraction, but beneath the surface, the tension still lingered. Jay's apologetic gaze met mine briefly, and I gave him a small nod, an indication that while forgiveness might come eventually, things weren't quite back to normal just yet.

"Oh, crap!" Barry's voice suddenly filled the room, and we all turned to look at him, curiosity etched on our faces.

"Please tell me you're not getting a head injury now too," I half-jokingly pleaded, concern lacing my words.

"No. No." Barry's grip tightened around my hand, and my gaze shifted from him to the others in the room, who seemed just as puzzled as I was. "It's about our first official date, the one we promised not to cancel."

Recognition dawned on me, and I let out a disappointed sigh. "Oh shoot."

His earnestness touched me as he continued, undeterred, "But we're still going through with it. It'll be even fancier than I'd planned. We can get dressed up, enjoy some champagne, and soak in the whole art show experience. What do you say, babe? Will you be my date for a fancy art show?"

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