Playing God

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It's now later in the evening and things have got weird. I peeked out the windows, as we all sat in the living room, to see Oliver and Felicity seemingly having some form of dispute resulting in Felicity walking away looking really upset. 

I have to find out once this Savage shit is done with.

I gestured to Barry about what was going on outside resulting in him going out to see if Oliver was okay. 

But, no shock here, they came back in almost instantly, cause just like me, Oliver isn't one to talk about his feelings. 

"We're coming up on Savage's deadline," Oliver announced as he walked in.

"Where Felicity?" Laurel asked, making Oliver's face drop once again.

"Are the gauntlets working?" Oliver ignored the question, just like I would do.

"They're gonna have to be. We're out of time." Caitlin replied.

"I think they'll work," Cisco said, hopefully. "That staff is gonna go from can't touch to invisible touch"

Oliver sighed, before starting his next announcement "Savage doesn't know Kendra has access to her full abilities, which makes you our ace in the hole. We're gonna put you up against Savage. You attack with the element of surprise. I will lay down cover fire. Barry and Sam, you speed in..."

"Snatch the staff, we got it,"

"Where do you need us?" Diggle said I think referring to the rest of Team Arrows field team.

"This is me, Barry, Sam, Kendra and Carter. We've got it." Oliver said, which left me shocked.

"Ollie!" Thea yelled in protest.

"No. We're not risking any more lives tonight than we have to." With that Oliver walked out of the room, leaving us all in a stunned state. 

"Suit up," Barry said, and the field team all obliged.

Around 20 minutes later...

We walked into Jurgens industrial all ready for this showdown battle. Kendra and Carter were both suited up in some insane-looking costumes, I was quite envious. We walked with confidence, most likely from the fact we thought we had an advantage with the gauntlets.

"You brought them. And dressed for the occasion I see." Savage said as he walked with the staff in hand. 

"We're only doing this because two lives aren't worth two cities," Oliver shouted as I glanced at the fake cuffs on Kendra and Carter. I hope this works. 

"Well, in that case, you are wiser than I gave you credit for. It's been a lifetime. Still wearing those ridiculous outfits I see. You don't need to be here for this. The culling tends to be unsightly." He showed off the inside of his jacket, filled with all sorts of blades. This guy was a psycho. "Your new friends betrayed you." Savage taunted.

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