Time Travel Sucks

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Oliver finally arrived a couple of minutes later, but the dreary atmosphere still lingered on me and Barry. We both discussed whether or not we tell anyone about our little time travelling escapade and we hadn't come to a decision yet.

"We need to brief the team. Come up with some type of counter-attack," Barry looked at me as Oliver spoke, and I knew he was gonna spill the beans.

"It's not gonna work," Barry replied, and I mentally prepared myself for whatever mess to the timeline we were going to create.

"What?" Oliver asked, in a shocked tone. I glanced at Barry's face, and I could see a look of instant regret.

"Nothing, all right. Never mind. I shouldn't have said anything. I..." He put his hands on his hips, as Oliver walked back up to us.

"Hey, what's going on? You both have been cagey since we met at the factory,"

"We have to tell him," I said, looking up at Barry who nodded reluctantly.

"Okay, look. This isn't going to make any sense to you, but I...all right, so we travelled back in time from when we tried to take out Savage. I mean, later, when we try to take him down, in the future-" I cut off Barry 'cause he's taking too long and we don't have time.

"What Bartholemew here is trying to say is, we watched the plan we are about to tell everyone goes down and we all end up dying. We fail." I spoke, and Barry looked at me wide-eyed. 

"You're right, that doesn't make sense to me." Oliver looked completely confused.

"Our world is stranger than yours," Barry admitted and I nodded.

"Well, maybe we use that to our advantage. You say that whatever we do against Savage doesn't work?" We both replied 'yeah' "Then we come up with a new plan."

"No, no, no, no. Okay, look, you can't. When I mess with time, it just... doesn't end well." I narrow my eyes at Barry's statement.

"Barry, we have already messed with time by speaking to Oliver, would you have rather us all die before? Because that's exactly what's going to happen if we don't change the plan," I said, wide-eyed, feeling a tinge of anger coming on.

"But what you're telling is that it already doesn't end well," Oliver backed me up. "Barry, people in our line of work, we don't get second chances. We need to take this one."

"All right, I hope you're both right." Barry nodded.

"No outcome can be worse than death is all I'm saying," I put my hands up, as the boys and I walked towards the safehouse.

"Let's start with what went wrong,"

"You did. When we go up against Savage, your heads not in the game. You're not yourself," Barry explained and he was not wrong.

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