A Gift I Would Like To Return

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The Christmas period has always been a mixed bag for me. On one hand, there's this infectious joy that seems to permeate the air, uniting people in happiness. On the other hand, it reminds me of all those lonely Christmases I've spent in the past. But this year is different. Last year marked a turning point – one of my best Christmases ever, surrounded by friends, and that gift from Barry, the one I still wear today.

Now, Barry and I are a couple, and I've been determined to make this Christmas unforgettable. It's a crisp evening, and Barry has just finished work. He invited me over to the West family home to help set up the Christmas tree. Apparently, Joe and Iris are too busy for it, so it's fallen on us to do the honours.

"And done," Barry declares, using his super speed to hang everything up in a flash. I give him a teasing look and then use my super speed to take everything down gently. 

"No, Barry," I say with a grin. "We're doing this properly. It's our first Christmas as a couple."

"Sorry, I just didn't think you'd be into decorating,"

"I love it, especially given how fast-paced our lives usually are," I tell him, picking up a bauble and leaning in for a leisurely kiss.

"If you love it, then I love it," he replies with that trademark smile, grabbing some tinsel for the tree.

My mind drifts, and I playfully moan, "I'm just waiting for a meta-human to come and spoil our holiday fun."

Barry chuckles. "Yeah, there's a good chance that might happen. But hey, if everything's resolved by Christmas, we can have that lovely Christmas dinner and Grandma Esters' famous eggnog."

I can almost taste the rich, creamy eggnog from last year. "Caitlin and Jay are making progress with stopping Zoom, so that's a plus," I add, my thoughts momentarily shifting to our friends and their ongoing battle.

Barry rolls his eyes. "I'm still not over him trying to kiss you."

I chuckle at his touch of jealousy. "Neither am I, but if he can use those MRI scans to help with my headaches, I think we can move past it."

He nods, and we both continue decorating. "Still, I should've at least punched him," he mutters.

I smirk, knowing it's his way of showing he cares. "Yeah, but Caitlin has a thing for him, and I don't want her to lose the only positive connection she's had since Ronnie."

Barry sighs, conceding the point. "Yeah, I guess you're right. Still frustrating, though."

As we finish hanging the decorations, we collapse onto the couch, laughing. "Who knew decorating could be so tiring?" I comment, propping my legs up on Barry's lap.

He grins. "Well, you did use your lightning strike quite a bit, which, by the way, looks really cool. Hot, even."

I feel a blush creeping onto my cheeks, a mixture of embarrassment and pleasure. He leans in, his lips meeting mine, his touch sending sparks through me. The moment gets heated, and intense, but there's always that nagging thought in the back of my mind that Joe or Iris could walk in any second.

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