Run, Sam, Run

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"Im continually amazed by the similarities between our two worlds," Wells said, folding his arms as Cisco and I checked the CCTV footage from Grodd sewers. I was so frustrated, I did laps of the city and I couldn't find her or Grodd anywhere. Where could they be hiding?

"You got talking gorillas on your Earth too?" Joe asked, mimicking Wells' stance.

"Oh yeah."

"Remind me never to go there."

"Ramon, why would this Grodd abduct Dr Snow?" 

"I don't know. It doesn't make any sense. She always was so nice to him." Cisco responded, looking equally as confused as me.

"He must need her for something, the question is for what exactly.." I said, losing my train of thought.

"He mind-controlled two lab technicians to steal chemicals that enhance intelligence. He wants her for something."

"Well. It looks like he left his bachelor pad in the sewers." Cisco announced as I kept putting in new algorithms to find him into the STAR labs satellite.

"Grodds a big-ass gorilla. He can't just waltz through downtown in the middle of the day without anybody noticing." Joe asserted, and he would be correct in that assertion.

"Right and if there's been sightings then we might be able to approximate his location." Wells theorised.

"I can call CCPD. They can access the tip hotline. Send over files of Grodds recent attacks." Wells' agreed with Joe's plan.

"We are in the modern day, surely some person who can't get off their phone would've seen him by now and uploaded a picture or a video of him online." I pointed out, getting nods from across the room.

"We have got to get her back," Cisco announced.

"We will Cisco. I don't think Grodd would hurt her," I tried to reassure him. 

Wells and Cisco marched out of the cortex, while Joe yelled at Barry to pay attention. This time I was not leaving without getting his head back in the game.

"Barry! You can't blame yourself for this. There's nothing you could've done." Joe said.

"I still don't have my speed. How are we supposed to save her from Grodd? I don't want Sam going into this alone." He verbalised and Joe and I just glanced at each other.

"Bar, you did six months without me when I was in my secondary coma, you did that all on your own, not even with the team. I can go through one meta, and look the whole team is here to help. You just focus on getting back on your feet." I smiled at him, as I knelt at the side of his wheelchair. 

"Sams right, you may not have your legs just yet, but you still got that brain. Use it. Help us figure that out." As Joe spoke those words, he left, probably returning to CCPD.

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