Bonds of Blood and Choices of Conscience

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I tried to pull myself together, but it was hard. It now felt as if Zoom could get to me at any place and anytime. That I was constantly being watched. But the harsh truth was that was what I was going to have to deal with for the foreseeable future, and if I didn't tell anyone, it would only be worse for me later down the line.

I took a deep breath as I reentered the main lounge area, and everyone's eyes were instantly on me.

"You were gone for ages, Sam. Are you alright? Do you need some constipation meds?" Cisco joked, and I let out a light chuckle to ease the tension.

"Not quite. I would prefer bowel issues. Um, I don't know really how to say this-" I took a moment of silence, which I think worried everyone a bit more, causing Barry and Felicity to both rush toward me.

"What's wrong?" Barry said, the concern written all over his face.

"Zoom was here." The whole room fell into a dead silence; you could probably hear a pin drop. That was before the frantic worrying began.

"Are you okay? You look flushed. Did he hurt you?" Barry said, gently grabbing my face with a look of panic.

"I'm fine, babe, I swear. I did more damage to him than he did to me. Don't worry; there is no damage to your bathroom," I explained, trying to reassure them. Felicity punched me lightly, then pulled me into a tight hug.

"Screw the bathroom, I'm just glad you're okay." Felicity gushed, and I melted into that hug; I needed it.

Oliver, Barry, Cisco, and Thea followed with their hugs.

"I swear, guys, I'm fine. He was just being his creepy self, saying he was 'worried where I was' and was just checking if his trophy was still breathing," I said with a hint of annoyance, rolling my eyes as I leaned into Barry. "You'll all be glad I wasn't harmed. I just shot some lightning at him, and he ran off."

"I am going to kill him. I don't care what happens now," Barry muttered, his fists clenched, and Oliver gave him a concerned look.

"All he did was prove what I was worried about, that he's always watching me," I grumbled, and Barry kissed my head in a comforting manner.

"You're safe, that's all that matters right now. Let's deal with the non-ageing man, and then you guys can end this with Zoom," Oliver said with determination, and we all nodded in agreement. For now, we had to focus on dealing with Kendra, but the shadows of Zoom's presence would continue to loom over us until we faced him once and for all.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Cisco rubbed my hand comfortingly, and I nodded.

"If I would have known I would have shot him in the eye for you." Thea joked, and that helped ease the mood.

"Oh, I wish that would affect him, Thea." I bantered in response, as the atmosphere started to light up a bit, I could tell by Barry's expression, however, that he wasn't okay.

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