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That's all I can describe myself in at this minute. The utmost pain. My eyes feel like they've been wired closed. I forced them open, but my surroundings were blurry. I felt my hand being held by someone, so I turned my head to be met with Caitlin Snow.

"Sam! you're awake oh my god I've missed you". She bear hugged me with such warmth and I returned it. I had a bad gut feeling that I hadn't been passed out for a few hours. 

She separated from me and had the biggest, sincerest smile I've ever seen on her. "Cait, how long have I been out for?".

She shook her head and looked like she was tearing up.  "6 months. I thought I lost you again."

"Oh my god." I glanced around Star Labs and it was desolate. Like no one had been there for so long. I knew something was wrong. "Please tell me what has happened Caity. I know somethings wrong?."

"A lot has happened Sam. Just brace yourself." She gripped my hand the whole time explaining everything that had happened. I passed out and Barry ran me to safety. Everyone had thought that all was well and normal, but then a singularity opened trying to engulf our world. Barry attempted to close it himself and was doing so successfully, but it wasn't enough. Martin had an idea that the energy from his and Ronnie's fission when they part would be enough to close it. It did, but unfortunately it came with a price. 

We lost Ronnie again. By this point Cait was in tears, and I grabbed and hugged her. If only I was there. Ronnie could've been alive. They had only just got married, they had a beautiful life ahead 

"Im so, so sorry Caitlin. This all my fault. I should've been there. I should've saved him. I'm sorry I ruined your life." I was balling at this point. It felt like my heart had broken. It was the failure to end all failures. In all my life i've only ever felt like this one time. When I found out future me couldn't save my parents. And now current me couldn't save Ronnie cause I wasn't strong enough.

"Hey! This was not your fault. Barrys spent the past 6 months blaming himself too. But this was not on either of you. You were injured trying to save us all from The Reverse Flash. Barry tried his best to save us from a singularity but there was no other choice. You guys have Flash and Bolt day tomorrow for your heroism. You guys and Firestorm saved us all that day" She grinned at me with so much love that I knew she didn't blame me. "I'm gonna need your help though. Barry has been working on his own and I know seeing you will convince him to go to the celebration"

"Knowing Barry he's probably blaming himself for everything that went down." I began itching my arm. It was always something I used to do when I was nervous but I haven't done it in years."I need to see him. Do you have any idea where he might be?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe check CCPD?" she shrugged. "you're going nowhere yet. I need to check if physically you're alright" she beamed.

"Of course. Test away Dr Snow."

During this time we chatted away, she informed of how she'd been working at Mercury Labs and what she'd been up too. She told me that Cisco was now working as a consultant at CCPD on meta human Taskforce ran be Joe. Iris was still at Picture News killing it, and going out of her way for stories, even putting herself at risk for a good lead. And my future husband had been rebuilding Central City at night while people were asleep.

The Return Of Bolt//Barry Allen(Book 2)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant