Circle The Drain

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"As you can see here," Xena's doctor had various x-rays of different areas of her body pinned up to a board that was lit up, and he proceeded to point to various places and comment on hoe the structure of her bones currently were.

"It seems as though the two broken ribs are healing up quite quickly, and the broken fingers have already almost fully healed, and you're able to use them with ease, which is a great sign." He continued as he turned back to face the group of diverse heroes who were now scattered about the hospital room, eagerly awaiting the news of Xena's health and well-being.

"Most of the cuts are already beginning to meld together on their own, and the stitches in the other wounds will heal up soon and dissolve, so we just need to keep focusing on cleaning them out well and keeping them covered to prevent infections. You did lose a tremendous amount of blood, but somehow you pulled through. We thought we were going to have to find a donor for a blood transfusion when you were first admitted. You sadly will probably have a few battle scars that won't fade, but the bruising and small ones should clear up soon after. Your vitamin D deficiency has dropped a bit lower than before, so we'll have to start you on pills for that, otherwise you may develop some vicious bone issues as you get older, and it will help your bones heal back stronger than usual as well. You're very lucky none of your bones completely shattered, and that you'll walk out of here without any surgeries."

Xena continued to give him an occasional nod as he continued giving everyone an update on her current condition, and astonishingly enough, she had somehow come out barely damaged considering the amount of hell she had been put through again.

As her doctor continued mentioning a few other things, her mind began to drift off a little, as it so often did.

As far as she knew, no one on their side had been killed, but a few were also in the hospital or injured like she had been, but other than that, Roxas, The King and all the others had refrained from telling her much of anything when it came to the battle or what had occurred after Roxas and Sora had come to her rescue, and then when they brought her here again.

"Again, don't hesitate to ask for me if anything out of the ordinary starts to happen or to give your nurse a call if you need anything; that's what we're here for. Just continue to eat well, rest as much as possible and don't move around much, you don't want to go popping any stitches!" He ended with a smile, then gave a slight bow and took his leave to go tend to his other patients on the floor.

The others in the room started up a conversation about something irrelevant to Xena, although she'd basically been disregarding everything since she'd woken up in the hospital again.

She didn't know how to feel. Physically, she didn't feel much of anything considering they'd been giving her a morphine drip because of the amount and severity of her wounds overall, so she was pretty heavily drugged and couldn't manage any form of high-level thinking or talking anyway, but she knew she wouldn't be able to even without the drugs sedating her.

Xyla had won again, and Xena was back to being the broken little princess again- oh how she hated it this way.

The only things she ever really focused on lately were how weak and powerless she still was, and how her emotions were becoming so frantic- so scattered, diverse and intense, yet numb, all at once. She couldn't make sense of everything she'd been feeling since the fight, the torture and once she'd awoken again, and it was beginning to frustrate her to no end.

She just continued to be sucked into a spiral of endless despair- of how badly she wanted to continue training and never give up, of how badly she craved to be the cause of Xyla's gruesome death, to give her what she deserves, but to also stay true to herself and show mercy, be an angel of light and erase the rage, agony and chaos, but she couldn't figure out how. She couldn't find the words to explain how jumbled everything felt, how strongly she disliked herself in every way at this point, but how determined she was to pave her own path and stop conforming to what everyone said she should. To be her own person, to go where her heart leads- even if it's astray? Or to continue to walk in the light, preserving humanity and casting aside such hate, the revenge and the desire for strength?

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